[FNV|WIP] Wasteland Factions


First time out of the vault

Wasteland Factions is a mod for Fallout New Vegas that aims to add multiple new, interesting and in someway believable/realistic factions into the wasteland.
Some of these factions will have new weapons, some new armors, some both.

It should be mentioned that the mod is still WIP, Raven Squad is the only faction that has got a background story and a good location figured out. Changes are likely to occur.


In a nutshell

Raven Squad is a group of ex-mercenaries who left their old lives behind. Currently they're holed up in the outskirts of New Vegas where they run their business, the Raven Caravans (company). The company's specialty is water, which they currently get from the NCR, although it's not very cheap and the water is unpurified.

Raven Squad is still partly a military organization. They have a training program that comes from the mercenary days and everyone who is in the organization has to wear a Raven Combat Armor, a desertized version of the combat armor.

The organization is led by a three man council which currently consists of Slashwire, Iki and Ted Bear. Slashwire also oversees the Raven Caravans, while Ted Bear is head of caravans and Iki is head of security.

While the Raven Caravans is indeed smaller than their biggest rival, the Crimson Caravan Company, they get a great advantage from their semi-military characteristics.

What will they have:

-Raven Combat Armor, a desertized combat armor
-HQ in Vegas (and depending on players choice, an outpost in Goodsprings or near Hoover Dam)
-A questline
-Healtier brahmin (uses Lexx's Brahmin mod)

Guard "lounge" (WIP)
Merchant (WIP)


In a nutshell:

A Private Military Company like organization that works for the one who pays the most. Currently they're dealing with fiends for NCR and at same time they're spying on NCR for the Legion. It is led currently led by a man called "The Baron".

What will they have:

-New armors
-2 camps in outer Vegas, HQ in Freeside
-Possibly two questlines (one NCR, one Legion. Only accessible after the faction trusts you enough and gives you the info of these missions)

None yet

More to come as the mod progresses. I'm also open for ideas, suggestions etc.
While I'd like to see the introduction of more factions, I'm not sure a group that routinely travels to Goodsprings is the way to go. Goodsprings is a small town that nobody really cares about, despite having a clean source of water. The fact that the Powder Gangers can take over the town shows that it's not a concern of the NCR or other groups in the area.

How would the Raven caravan play into that conflict? Why is the town so isolated if it's such an integral stop for the caravan?

I'm not really sure whether it's so isolated, IIRC they just say "not that many visitors pass by these days" (and that's something I can't fix), but I don't think that closes the option that there might be a caravan company buying water from them.

Also I thought about the Powder Ganger situation and one solution I have is very simple: If the player chooses to take over Goodsprings, the Raven Caravans buys its water from NCR or Crimson Caravan, or it will set up an outpost somewhere else (near Hoover Dam maybe?).

Either way, like I said, it's still very WIP. So if you have some suggestions, I'm all ears.

EDIT: Basically it could go like this:
Take over Goodsprings = Harm Raven Caravans and Goodsprings, but help NCR as they get a new customer

Help Goodsprings = "Help" Raven Caravans, open a questline for the Raven Caravans Goodsprings Outpost, harm someone (who? Harming Powder Gang still helps NCR...)


Propably not (unless I can get someone to voice them). I don't think my and my friends Finnish accent would sound that good in game :D
I've not played enough of the game to offer any recommendations, but I do know that one caravan company buying water from another isn't going to be good business. Perhaps a caravan company that sells cheap, but slightly harmful water, would be better?

The player could discover disgusting sources of irradiated water, teach someone in the caravan's central location how to clean the water [Survival], or look for new sources [NOW, have the Caravan come to Goodsprings]. You could even have the Caravan ambushed by Powder Gangers or double cross the Gangers and save the Caravan.
Idiotfool, that sounds great! I actually like it a lot. I'll see what I do once I start working on the quests :)
Here's some quests I've got so far

Water for Ravens (thanks Idiotfool ^^)
By discussing with people, the player will find out that the company, although doing good, could need a better source of water.
The player has three choices:
1. Find a new source
-Take Ted Bear and his small group to the new source to establish an outpost
2. Make a better deal with the NCR
-Discuss with NCR "leaders" to make a new contract for purified water
3. Teach them to purify their own water (high Survival or Intelligence)
-Build a simple water purifier (sand and charcoal layers in a barrel, a small piece of cloth under the barrel where the water comes through to another container)

Marvin the Depressed Robobrain (Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, anyone?)
The player will also learn about the robot that followed the Ravens all the way from Texas. It is called Marvin and no one cares about it. Marvin just rolls around in the guard tent and "whines" to everyone who speaks to him. The player will learn that he was one of the first Robobrains built and his personality programming was a prototype for the release version. Marvin is more intelligent than other robobrains, but he is also slightly depressed. The player can try to fix his programming to make him happier (High Science). Unfortunately it won't work, but you'll be able to access some pre-war data stored in Marvin's memory (some sort of bonus, not sure what though)

Steve's Wares
If player asks for work from Steve the merchant, he'll receive a quest to investigate the guard tent for some supplies. He tells that someone has been stealing his wares and wants you to look for the culprit. He tells that all his goods are marked with a "S" on the bottom of the packages.
Looks pretty good, so far. What sort of risks will you encounter when taking Ted Bear to a new water source?
Well I haven't really planned anything yet. First of all, you can technically take any route you want (unless you let Bear lead the team) and secondly, I'm not sure how to make enemies appear only during one quest and at certain places. Some sort of ambush would be cool though. I'll try to fiddle with it at some point, but atm I'm just planning the quests while I'm adding NPC's and building the HQ, which has progressed nicely btw. Got walls set up, got a tent for the guards, a merchant and a small loading area (basically a stand which has all sort of stuff on it.). I also re-navmeshed manually 3 cells (damn it takes time!). Also finally learned how dialogue works, now I just gotta make a script so you can't say everything over and over again.
I haven't lately worked on the mod (been away from home and lack of motivation). Fired up GECK yesterday and I began working on the NPC's (I've got most NPC's for RS done) and dialogue. Nothing quest related yet though. Also, the game shows african americans as whites o.o'

Anyway, some screens:
Kitchen & Packaging area
Iki the sniper on the roof (he's supposed to be black...)
The HQ from air
Inspired by Junktown
Guard lounge and tent
Inside the tent and Marvin
Merchant stand
Raven Caravans "office"
The brahmin

I think I'll start working on the smaller quests tomorrow.

Happy new year everyone!