Fo:Bos Fun!

Not really, that post in question was almost wholly hyperbole.

EDIT: Maybe not, and maybe I was a bit more harsh than I should have been (edited my post above) but it really doesn't take much to see where this game is going for name recognition. It is going for music that doesn't quite fit in, and at best, I know many other games worth the money, and some are in the bargain bin.
Swiffness said:
Has anyone considered the slight possibility that this might be an OK game?

Being a seasoned gamer - no. Why? Before I make up my mind, I usually try to find as much info as possible. And I really dont like what I have seen. Or maybe you are hinting, that every1 here is bashing FO:BOS because it bears the name 'Fallout' and aint a pc rpg... If thats the case, I can assure you, even if BOS had a different name, I still wouldnt like it.

Hell, what the fu*k do I know about FO, You go buy a copy .... no make it two. One as a gift to your worse enemy.

FO:BOS is far from OK.
OK is far from GOOD.
GOOD is far from EXCELLENT.
EXCELLENT is pretty close to FALLOUT.
Dove said:
I'm thinking most people know this already, but that most likely is referring to "the vault dweller".

????? Can't get link to other picture to work. There was one that actually showed him (did everybody play as male, all the time?) in the character selection screen. You could also see part of the blue jumpsuit, anybody else seen it?

He's just a nomad in shaggy clothes now, whatever things he has been through are long forgotten(nobody on the FOBOS team ever bothered to play the original games so they are just guessing as they go along and taking snippets from the fallout bible of which they do not comprehend so they get even those snippets very incorrect).

Wee, the scale of interplays stupidity is really beyond all measurement..

And no, FOBOS is crap don't even for a moment believe it is anything more than so because if you buy it with just that little tiny spark of hope which is in every humans heart, you will be utterly dissapointed(and a few bucks poorer too).
Did you actually read the Gamespot review? The guy said that it was a mind numbing game... he said that its only good if you want to play a hack and clash sci-fi game to unwind. IPLY said that it will last 20 to 25 hours. This guy said about 10 hours. Its short, but feels long because its repetitive. He said graphics are horrible. One of the captions to a pic read "waiting for fallout 3? Don't hold your breath"

He might have given it a 7.3, but he wasn't thrilled with the game. I think he was actually *gasp* making fun of the jumping and ducking, because they serve no purpose.
sorry to bump this topic but was surprised. Went to the gamespot review section and amazingly, Fallout:POS was actually ranked second in most visited. Out of all de reviews. Dunno if its just us going their to read it or not but its interesting.

Of course, you COULD argue it just shows the interest in FALLOUT, not the game. People see the name fallout and those living under a rock may say ooo nice i liked those games. But who knows? me, I have work to do.
Remember that Fallout Tactics had the highest presales numbers, then the real reviews/word got around about the game and they dropped like an axe going for Herve's neck.
lilfyffedawg said:
sorry to bump this topic but was surprised. Went to the gamespot review section and amazingly, Fallout:POS was actually ranked second in most visited. Out of all de reviews. Dunno if its just us going their to read it or not but its interesting.

Of course, you COULD argue it just shows the interest in FALLOUT, not the game. People see the name fallout and those living under a rock may say ooo nice i liked those games. But who knows? me, I have work to do.

I think that's definitely why we need to get the word out that this "Fallout" is in NO way similar to the previous, except for the name.

Oh yeah, and it's got caps, and mutants.