List your desires and fears here.
1- Phasing:
I really like this latest tech nugget blizzard managed to produce. Basically in a normal MMO, after you finish a quest and clean an area , the bad guys respawn and you still see the old problems going on. Blizzard has managed to limit this boring repetition / immersion breaker by creating a system called phasing.
After you finish a quest that changes things (like destroying a bridge/ killing boss etc) you stop seeing the older NPC's and they stop attacking you. This allows you to feel that yes you did manage to do something instead of the usual do quest, turn in the quest at somewhere else so you don't see the shit again hassle.
2-Evolving Characters:
Also known as Tabula Rasa characters. Your run on the mill MMOs (with the exception of Ultima Online) all present you with a pre-defined character skill/stat tree. This is anathema to Fallout spirit.
The only MMO that i can remember having a system close to Fallout is UO.
However Fallout's approach has it's drawbacks too. After a while we will be seeing cookie cutter builds of Small Guns, Sneak and Steal all around...
I think giving the player freedom in his choices up to a point then having him obtain trainings for going futher into a skill would be the best case to balance the characters. This way every character would be able to use things but specialists would get some abilities and more choices with their speciality
So you could have basic combat and basic tecnology and basic survival as your trees. As you progressed and got enough Xp you can choose what to specialise in. you could go all survival and become a sneaky / close quarters / scout person or you can just go all tech and play the game as a crafter. (Your OCD EvE player
The trees dont have to be exclusive; I mean melee and unarmed could be accessed from both combat or survival for example.
3- Decent but Evolving Cities.
Fallout doesn't have factions in the MMO sense. I know when I say factions people think of BoS or Enclave but actually I believe the real factions in the game should be Cities. You should choose which political entity you want to work for at the beginning of the game, then your quests should strenghten your faction. You could be working for the Vault City, The NCR or the New Reno, first working to tie the neutral communities to your side. As you grow stronger (in levels) you will move to more urgent and frontier areas where you will be opposing people from other factions and maybe sabotaging other cities' actions.
Who knows maybe you might get the chance to turn traitor for some good bucks.
4- Graphical Style
I prefer WoW and WaR to Conan. It is not about the cartoon graphic style however. WoW and WaR manage to use lesser graphics coupled with decent textures to create enough and detailed input on the screen. Graphics really just need to be adequate to express information. Going overboard with it is really not worth it.
5- Unique weapons:
One of the things people like in the game is the good loot. Personally I hate Unique Item dropping bosses. The weapon that i used to take down that Deathclaw should gain some ability and a name instead of a random drop.
Something like:
*Gentle Scowl of the Librarian*
Combat Shotgun
-Cut down barrel modification (Decreases magazine, medium and long range damage, Increases fire rate and short range damage)
-Recoil System (Decreases continious shooting penalties)
-Polymer Folding Stock (Decreases weight and concealment penalties)
*Deathclaw's Bane (For completing the lost caravan, +5 damage vs beasts)
*Hand of Law (For completing the Sheriff and the Posse, +5 Damage vs Outlaws)
Basic Non Modified Items should be sold by the Npc's or given as quest rewards. The item modifications should be the part that makes them real threat. Kinda like the EvE, the item mods should be only made by player crafters. This way there can be a decent server Economy on Pc items.
Also I would like to see instances or trading opportunities for guilds like taking a contract to escort a caravan to xxx town. The players from another faction could also enter this instance as the bandits maybe?
7- Game World:
I would really like to see FO:OL as something between the "Tale in the Desert", original "SWG" and "EVE" instead of trying to be a WoW clone. Time will tell
1- Phasing:
I really like this latest tech nugget blizzard managed to produce. Basically in a normal MMO, after you finish a quest and clean an area , the bad guys respawn and you still see the old problems going on. Blizzard has managed to limit this boring repetition / immersion breaker by creating a system called phasing.
After you finish a quest that changes things (like destroying a bridge/ killing boss etc) you stop seeing the older NPC's and they stop attacking you. This allows you to feel that yes you did manage to do something instead of the usual do quest, turn in the quest at somewhere else so you don't see the shit again hassle.
2-Evolving Characters:
Also known as Tabula Rasa characters. Your run on the mill MMOs (with the exception of Ultima Online) all present you with a pre-defined character skill/stat tree. This is anathema to Fallout spirit.
The only MMO that i can remember having a system close to Fallout is UO.
However Fallout's approach has it's drawbacks too. After a while we will be seeing cookie cutter builds of Small Guns, Sneak and Steal all around...
I think giving the player freedom in his choices up to a point then having him obtain trainings for going futher into a skill would be the best case to balance the characters. This way every character would be able to use things but specialists would get some abilities and more choices with their speciality
So you could have basic combat and basic tecnology and basic survival as your trees. As you progressed and got enough Xp you can choose what to specialise in. you could go all survival and become a sneaky / close quarters / scout person or you can just go all tech and play the game as a crafter. (Your OCD EvE player

The trees dont have to be exclusive; I mean melee and unarmed could be accessed from both combat or survival for example.
3- Decent but Evolving Cities.
Fallout doesn't have factions in the MMO sense. I know when I say factions people think of BoS or Enclave but actually I believe the real factions in the game should be Cities. You should choose which political entity you want to work for at the beginning of the game, then your quests should strenghten your faction. You could be working for the Vault City, The NCR or the New Reno, first working to tie the neutral communities to your side. As you grow stronger (in levels) you will move to more urgent and frontier areas where you will be opposing people from other factions and maybe sabotaging other cities' actions.
Who knows maybe you might get the chance to turn traitor for some good bucks.
4- Graphical Style
I prefer WoW and WaR to Conan. It is not about the cartoon graphic style however. WoW and WaR manage to use lesser graphics coupled with decent textures to create enough and detailed input on the screen. Graphics really just need to be adequate to express information. Going overboard with it is really not worth it.
5- Unique weapons:
One of the things people like in the game is the good loot. Personally I hate Unique Item dropping bosses. The weapon that i used to take down that Deathclaw should gain some ability and a name instead of a random drop.
Something like:
*Gentle Scowl of the Librarian*
Combat Shotgun
-Cut down barrel modification (Decreases magazine, medium and long range damage, Increases fire rate and short range damage)
-Recoil System (Decreases continious shooting penalties)
-Polymer Folding Stock (Decreases weight and concealment penalties)
*Deathclaw's Bane (For completing the lost caravan, +5 damage vs beasts)
*Hand of Law (For completing the Sheriff and the Posse, +5 Damage vs Outlaws)
Basic Non Modified Items should be sold by the Npc's or given as quest rewards. The item modifications should be the part that makes them real threat. Kinda like the EvE, the item mods should be only made by player crafters. This way there can be a decent server Economy on Pc items.
Also I would like to see instances or trading opportunities for guilds like taking a contract to escort a caravan to xxx town. The players from another faction could also enter this instance as the bandits maybe?
7- Game World:
I would really like to see FO:OL as something between the "Tale in the Desert", original "SWG" and "EVE" instead of trying to be a WoW clone. Time will tell