[FO1] Nimrod's Dialog Fixes? (grammar/spelling etc)


Creator of Fallout Fixt
Does anyone know where to download this? I've having to re-do all his work because I can't find it anymore :( :crazy:

I swear it used to be hosted here and on TeamX but i'm not finding it through these sites or via Google searches.

Please help if you have a local copy of it or remember where to get it. Thank you ! :clap:
Well I found at least the readme on my backup drive, so here's the original readme for anyone interested:

Nimrod/TeamX said:
Dialog fixes

List of changes by Nimrod:

Started out as a small project and turned huge. I proofread and used a spell
checker; mostly spelling, punctuation, and capitalization fixes - no lines were
added or seriously rewritten. I only made grammar changes if it was 100%
obvious it was a mistake and not someone from the wasteland just using bad
English ("There", "They're", and "Their" probably accounted for a good two dozen
fixes). I suspect at least some aren't used in the game at all, but if I wasn't
sure, I included it.

Regarding the VERY prolific spelling/grammar/capitalization inconsistencies,
here's what I went with.

"brahmin" and "brahma"
"Deathclaw" (capitalized since in F1 it's a legendary monster)
"holodisk" (spelled about five different ways)
"Hub bucks" (no changes to "caps" or "scripts", just "Hub Bucks", or "hubbucks")
"Hubber" (a couple of files used "Hubbian", which to me sounds like an alien
"mole rat"
"Nuka-Cola" (rather than Nuka Cola, Nuka cola, etc.)
"Rads" (as in radiation - I don't care for the capitalization, but it seems to
be the most common usage, only ran into one or two files that used
"radscorpion" (the single word is the most common usage)
"skav" (an occupation rather than a title in my opinion - just a short version
of scavenger)
"super mutant" (two exceptions; The Lieutenant and the Master both still use
"Super Mutant" due to inflection in their speech)
"Thieves' Circle" (there are two or three variations of this, but that's what
Loxley calls it, and he's the boss)
"Vault", "Vault 13", and "Vault 15"

Initiate, Scribe, Sergeant, and other words used as titles should now be
capitalized where appropriate (i.e. "Greene's the sheriff" vs. "Sheriff Greene")

Another thing I don't care for much is the capitalization of inventory items, as
in "Garret gives you some Flares". But it was practically universal, so I left
that alone.

Also tried to make square brackets the universal action notifiers in dialogs.
Several used "()" or "<>".

scrname.msg - A LONG list of spelling corrections.