FO1,The Master, his diaries and gory deaths of old men.

Mad Larkin

It Wandered In From the Wastes
So... I just finished FO1 yet again today... I played a diplomat character, and managed to talk down the Master with the help of Vree's holodisk.
Though i faintly remember that you could find Richard Grey's diaries somewhere,and remind the Master that he is Grey, leading to some funky dialogue.
The question is, where are the diaries?

And secondly, i discovered the gruesome end of the Overseer if your character has the Bloody Mess perk :twisted:
As I remember the diaries that you are looking for, are in the main computer in Mariposa Military Base.
Yeah, you can download Richard Grey's log from there. But I didn't know you could use that in the dialogue with the Master....
That's the beauty in having a non-linear Fallout game. More than one way to beat the Master. :D
I knooow! I love it..I knew about three ways before. Talk him out if it using Vree's disk, Kick his ass, or Nuke him.

I'm so definitely going to try to talk about the log of Richard Grey next time (just started again). *Excited* :D
Oo! thanks! Now my psychotic little runt can weasel his way out of this one too :P

I remember when FO first came out and i accidentally stumbled over the diaries, and having listened Harold's story i got massive heebie-jeebies when i put 2 and 2 together...
Aah, help?

So I got the log of Richard Grey from the Military Base before I went to talk to the master. I tried every possible dialogue combination, and either I got attacked, dipped, or informed him of the sterility. I found nothing whatsoever where you could talk to him about Richard Grey and make him realize that's who he was.

So, am I doing something wrong or is it not even possible to do so?
I tried it myself, and it didn't work. Memory is fickle and all that... :(
Though you don't need Vree's disk at all to talk him out.
Just claim that the mutants are sterile and then ask has he asked any female mutants.
Mad Larkin said:
I tried it myself, and it didn't work. Memory is fickle and all that... :(
Though you don't need Vree's disk at all to talk him out.
Just claim that the mutants are sterile and then ask has he asked any female mutants.

Every time I tried to convince the Master that the mutants were sterile using the option with Vree's holodisks, he'd accuse me of forgery, even with superior CH, IN and Speech :( Solely the 'female mutant' option made him accept the cruel reality.

I don't remember reminding him of his human identity anytime, anyone knows whether this is veritably achievable and could post the details on how to access the dialogue? As far as I know, the diary is just a curiosity.
In his Fallout 1 guide Per Jorner said:
At the end of the corridor is the Master, and it's here you're taken by Morpheus. There are three things that can happen: you join the Master, you fight him, or you expose the flaw in his plan. Joining him will lead to the invasion end movie.
It's also possible to threaten the Master with the Brotherhood and he's supposed to let you go, but immediately initiates dialogue again and turns hostile instead.
The "diplomatic" solution demands that you carry or have read Vree's autopsy report and that you have IN 7 and good Speech to get all the dialogue options (there's always Mentats). Get the Master to tell you of his plan, say he's got a problem, and then either show him the disk (if you have it), or tell him to ask his female mutants. There are several dialogue paths that lead to combat, so take care. If you succeed, you'll leave dialogue and the 4-minute bomb countdown starts.

And that's all Per has to say about it.
Per Jorner locuta, causa finita. :)

No "Hey, you're Richard Grey" option here. ;)

May I just add that you need ca 100% Speech to get either of the diplomatic options right and you need to actually carry Vree's holodisk if you plan to use it as proof (pretty surprising , innit? It is in fact given to the Master during the conversation) You have to be perseverant on this one, should the Master accuse you of forgery, tell him boldly that he's trying to lie to himself. If you don't have the disc, simply choose the 'female mutant' option.
That Per sure is great. Say, I've only found his WT for Fo2..where's the one for Fo1? Oh, and does he have a homepage or something?
Silencer: I don't know exactly why, man, but somehow I wish you would do exactly what your nick says. Nothing personal. :twisted:

Kindo: check
Here you should find all three walkthroughs that Per wrote: one for Fallout, one for Fallout 2 and one for Wasteland. If the link does not work, do an AltaVista search. Per does indeed have a homepage and stuff. I didn't know that - just like me - he wrote some books. Neat guy. :wink:
Wow, thanks, Blade Runner. This is great! :D *reads orgasmically*

The three best CRPG's ever made...
Blade Runner said:
Silencer: I don't know exactly why, man, but somehow I wish you would do exactly what your nick says. Nothing personal. :twisted:

Silence her? Whom do you want ... 'silenced' ? [narrows eyes] ;)
Silencer said:
Silence her? Whom do you want ... 'silenced' ? [narrows eyes] ;)

Hm... You're good. :wink:

You can silence my ex, though. Just be sure to make it look like an accident. So: no miniguns and no molotovs. Do we have a deal? :)
Blade Runner said:
You can silence my ex, though. Just be sure to make it look like an accident. So: no miniguns and no molotovs. Do we have a deal? :)

I suppose I could make her *accidentally* get some heavy duct tape on her mouth, that ought to make her more... nonvocal, shall we say ? ;)
Blade Runner said:
Kindo: check
Here you should find all three walkthroughs that Per wrote: one for Fallout, one for Fallout 2 and one for Wasteland. If the link does not work, do an AltaVista search. Per does indeed have a homepage and stuff. I didn't know that - just like me - he wrote some books. Neat guy. :wink:

Jeeeeeez, thats the ONE GR8 walkthru! The best ever written I think.