>To expand on that is that
>because of the PA or
>not. I seem to remember
>that it always changes to
>unarmed because of the strength
>bonus of the PA.
I really don't know, but it sounds logical. Not that I've ever noticed a real change in Cassidy's shooting abillities when his skill was set to unarmed.
why does everyone like cassidy so much? he's always dragged the team down for me.. he always shot me in the back or died or got criticaled and knocked out of the fight.... useless cassidy sulik is the best npc
Well, Cassidy isn`t that bad ...
Just make sure you don`t give him too good burst weapon, otherwise he`ll shoot you and all your NPC`s sooner or later, even if you tell him to be sure not to hit you. He also waste a lot of amunition, e.g. shooting dogs usin` burst of Pancor Jackhammer or H&K CAWS. I think givin` him Combat Shotgun is mostly ( but not always )the best idea
That's the beauty of this game, there's no right or wrong way to play it and there isn't a best weapon, a best npc or a best skill. Like the Chosen One said, "Opinions are like a--holes, everyones got one and they all stink." I don't like Cassidy much.
>sulik is the best npc
Dogmeat is the best npc, imho. Three way tie for worst npc: Davin, Miria and ...