Surf Solar
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Not really.
WorstUsernameEver said:Some areas also look a bit maze-like.. graphically they're some of the use of the original assets I've seen, but you should be careful not to make them too annoying...
Mr Fish said:How is the main quest/theme/setting in terms of morality? Good, evil, grey?
WorstUsernameEver said:My 2 cents: voice acting is in dire need of better recording, way too much popping and noise. I understand you won't have the polish of an actual commercial videogame, but if all the voice acting is recorded like this I'd prefer to not listen to this. Note that this has nothing to do with the performance, which, while I don't quite agree that it was at the level of a professional voice actor, was fine.
Some areas also look a bit maze-like.. graphically they're some of the use of the original assets I've seen, but you should be careful not to make them too annoying, especially since environment navigation in the original wasn't exactly super-smooth (but the areas were designed in a way that it wasn't a super big-deal).
Dude101 said:we could especially use new mappers and as usual
deadlus said:I don't have the time to work on new maps, but I did design my share back in the day. However, all of the projects I took part in fell apart, so they were never actually used. Except for my (extremely shitty) EPA map that somehow found its way into killap's mod.
If you are interested, I could dig them all out and upload somewhere. Most, if not all, should have several levels and the lighting and blocking hexes already set up.
What part of the EPA was this? And in any event, those maps have since been heavily revised so they are most certainly not shitty anymoredeadlus said:Except for my (extremely shitty) EPA map that somehow found its way into killap's mod.
Ardent said:In fact, it's all up to our actors - they are usually located several thousand miles from the rest of the team (which is pretty dispersed in itself) and we can't control how they record it. Finally, there's the compression to .acm which also reduces the quality of the recording.
If you have any advice on how we can improve this situation, we'll be happy for the help, otherwise I don't see what could be done about it.
Like Pixote said, it's a junkyard, so it looks messy, but the passages are wide enough to navigate without getting stuck, even with a 3-member party (didn't test more members). Also, most other areas are more open.
WorstUsernameEver said:As long as the passages are as wide as you say, though, there should be no problem.
Dukeanumberone said:any news?
Dukeanumberone said:any news?