Yeah I've seen characters with all 10 SPECIAL all around.. what makes this one different?
It also got all skills boosted to 300%, and maxed all resistances and thresholds (except EMP resistance i left it at default 100%).
Sduibek made a similar character file for debug purposes using a certain program in the past, however this program worked only for Fallout1. Unfortuneatly char file generated by the program crashed Fallout 2.
So I decided to do the madman's work, and checked bit by bit in hex editor and started new game & quit to desktop each time to check where is what in Fallout 2 character file. Most stuff is calculated automatically, the exceptions beeing SPECIAL Points, Skills, Resistances and their threshold) Age (it can be set beyond maximum allowed 35 years, and game will accept the number you input and allow you to start a game with it I've set it to 37 years), and possibly couple of others. Unfortuneatly I haven't foud a way to set radiation count, poison level or crippled state, as I had an idea to start a game radiated poisoned and fully crippled, or for it to happen nearly after start of the game. Perhaps a good idea for a start of mod.
If it's been done already than I'm sorry to post it agin, yet articles regarding Fo2 char file (at least Beyond SPECIAL cheating) are mostly non findable in google, and i don't see people adding similar debug methods tot he game, so this is why i made it. it might be the only means of altering a character for games where Vad's editor isn't suited such as Fo:Nevada Crazy Edition and Fixed Edition. (although they would require character with 9 charisma if they want to have a go at ammo maker perk.
Cheers Guys
It also got all skills boosted to 300%, and maxed all resistances and thresholds (except EMP resistance i left it at default 100%).
Sduibek made a similar character file for debug purposes using a certain program in the past, however this program worked only for Fallout1. Unfortuneatly char file generated by the program crashed Fallout 2.
So I decided to do the madman's work, and checked bit by bit in hex editor and started new game & quit to desktop each time to check where is what in Fallout 2 character file. Most stuff is calculated automatically, the exceptions beeing SPECIAL Points, Skills, Resistances and their threshold) Age (it can be set beyond maximum allowed 35 years, and game will accept the number you input and allow you to start a game with it I've set it to 37 years), and possibly couple of others. Unfortuneatly I haven't foud a way to set radiation count, poison level or crippled state, as I had an idea to start a game radiated poisoned and fully crippled, or for it to happen nearly after start of the game. Perhaps a good idea for a start of mod.
If it's been done already than I'm sorry to post it agin, yet articles regarding Fo2 char file (at least Beyond SPECIAL cheating) are mostly non findable in google, and i don't see people adding similar debug methods tot he game, so this is why i made it. it might be the only means of altering a character for games where Vad's editor isn't suited such as Fo:Nevada Crazy Edition and Fixed Edition. (although they would require character with 9 charisma if they want to have a go at ammo maker perk.
Cheers Guys