A gun-kata(equilibrium) style build i've been working on, not at all final product really:
Str 5: For all the necessary small guns.
Per 6: This is NOT a sniper build, but you need some range.
End 2: Same as with ninja, not about to get hit.
Cha: 3: Bit more social then a ninja, still as cold as a fish. Can have a friend to help along.
Int 9: Though you know your guns, you also know what makes 'em go click.
Agi 10: Fast, shoots lots and dodges like a dervish.
Luck 5: Not as critical as the ninja counterpart, but good enough.
One hander. Big guns are just, big. Boring devices really.(only thing is that the Equilibrium guys were ambidextrous)
Finesse. Who needs damage.
Rather obvious choices.
Small weapons. Guns guns guns.
First aid. You need to know how to patch yourself a bit, since bullets still hurt.
Last skill is a bit iffy, i'd like to go with science for the background story, but also lockpick would fit perfectly for a type-of "enforcer" lawbringer type of person.
Repair is also a gun person skill, since you need to know how that gun works to know it perfectly. Also would make it easier to play since you wouldn't need Vic around.
As said, not perfect, but about right.