FO2 races mod (play as human, mutie or ghoul)

yea, at this stage its pretty much just "brain storming" and seeing if this can be done. There's no point starting a project and then realising half way through it cant be done.

So it's really just planning out everything that will need to be changed before we start.
Hey, I have been giving this mod some thought:

Vault city is going to be a problem and the Broken hills racist quests. You either need to write some new dialog for BH, so the racists actual realise you are not human and VC to make them less hateful towards the character somehow.

I think that maybe to hard, so I have another idea The CamiBoy AKA the Holoboy. Can SFall be used to change the player sprites back to human? or to any other model? If you can swing it, that would be a nice solution.

The CamiBoy is a variant model of the stealthboy, it was designed to allow infiltrators to impersonate enemy officers and give false orders. Only one prototype is known to exist (I am still trying to think how the VD got it)

Taking the idea further: the CamiBoy can be used in combination with the Holo Recorder (obvious start trek references in the description) to capture new images and allow the user to appear as they choose i.e. when you kill a deathclaw you use the Holo Recorder to capture the image and upload the option to the CamiBoy. Maybe it would be simpler to upload new info to it from computers.

Anyway, I am just vomiting ideas here. I don't know if it can be done.
yea, thats not a bad idea. sfall can change the sprite afterwards, but the easiest way would be to make it as an armour type, say a "HoloBoy Belt" that the player wears instead of armour. Since the belt is set up as an armour in the mapper you can just assign the normal Vault-Suit sprite as the model. So if the player shows up as a mutant or takes the belt off in the city proper they get told to leave and cant get in.

At this stage in the planning I werent all that worried about Vault-City its more just to see how it can be done. Though if you were a ghoul I'd like the idea of jsut walking into the gecko power plant unharmed :)

Anyway, I'm not sure how you could re-write the dialog for the grumpy lady who inspects you suit at vault city? Maybe its a "Hard Light Hologram" projector in the belt (red dwarf reference).
Another option would be make a model that is between human and super mutant. But that would require a FEV closer to perfection than the original one.

In a last resort only let the player enter VC with power armor, since noone can tell what's inside.
Hey lisac are you around? The kiwi asked me for a hand in the scripting, but if you still want to be in, shout id be honored to work with you again :)
Instead of any of your ideas you could carry the vault suit in your inventory and show it to the guard? I don't know anything about modding though. So i don't know if im much help
Neo Decoy said:
Hey lisac are you around? The kiwi asked me for a hand in the scripting, but if you still want to be in, shout id be honored to work with you again :)
Yes, still alive... Barely. I'd really help, but I'm kinda totally overwhelmed by my RL commitments.

Sorry. Maybe soon things shall change...
That's cool mate, I think CP wants to help out as well. We could probably do with a writer, if not I'm sure we could type up some basic dialog.

I suspose a long term goal would be to re-model the Super Mutant and Ghouls to have more weapon options etc...

There are 3 different super mutant models so thats enough armour, I'm really keen on the idea of using the mr fixit mod to convert normal armours into armour for the mutants. There's probably no reason why a ghoul couldnt wear power armour though so that wont need to be modeled.
This is exactly the sort of Fallout 2 mod I have been waiting for! Now, correct me if I am wrong, but aren't super mutant Str and End stats capped much higher than 12, according to the PNP RPG material? Maybe a +5 bonus would be in order, in addition to a penalty to Int and Cha. Assuming that you want to go by the PNP RPG rules, of course :wink:

If, however, you cannot penalize a players stats,(although there must be a way to do it, since the zeta scan at NCR can result in either +2 or -1 to Luck) a +2 bonus to Str and End would be a fair compromise.

Either way, keep up the good work, and let us know when it's done!
I didn't think any number value higher than 10 on stats would effect anything. Then again I am no modder, nor a programmer so I'll need some one more knowledgable to inform me.
I'm pretty sure 10+ is possible, since critters in the game (mutants, deathclaws, etc.) have way more than 10. Whether this is possible for the player character is another question.

Can't wait for the mod though!

I'm a graphic designer by trade, so I can help with artwork, once we get to that point. Also I can help with writing dialog and storyline. Just message me.
I've been thinking about this mod while doing some frm editing, and one major obstacle is there's simply not enough animations for the ghoul to make it a viable race, imho. The green ghoul set (naghul) contains animations for the knife, spear, and rifle. While Lenny's set (navgul) contains animations for knife, pistol, and smg. The white ghoul set (naglow) is plain useless, with no weapons whatsoever.

With the small arms animations split between Lenny and the green ghoul, serious custom animations are needed to make one workable "hero" ghoul capable of using all weapons available to it. (and we're not talking about the usual "cut & paste" photoshop jobs either...)
Yes, the main problem is the ghoul, if you can make new animations for them that will be great, but if not then we made need to model a whole new ghoul model and render up a new critter.

I did consider using the ghoul from fallout Tactics but at this stage I dont really want to do that.

If you guys want I can upload the design document for you to read through, its not actually that much work required for this mod.
I've read the design doc, and like you said, it shouldn't be too difficult to accomplish a basic implementation. I'm just thinking more from the graphics side of things.

It's been a while since I've fired up FOT, so I'll take a look at those ghouls. I know there's a reluctance to use FOT image assets, but generating a brand new critter will be an enormous undertaking, to say the least.

Anyways, just thinking for down the road. I'd be happy to see the just the path of the mutant! :)