[FO2] Sniperish decisions

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Sniperish decisions

Ok, I decided to be a sniperish person. Yey for me.
So, obviously, finesse and gifted, small guns and perception were my choices. I'm thinking about either the oh-so-popular gauss rifle or an energy weapon, to be chosen later on. My problem is that I still have a few choices to make -
I need a secondary weapon. What do you guys think? I have to find something that would be good as a secondary, and also be right for the charecters, so no vinduicators for me, I'm trying to be as realistic as I can be with the charecter. Also, what tag should I choose besides small guns and speech, which I always choose, regadless of the charecter? Anything that could help me, and be a good realistic choice?
Thanks in advance,
RE: Sniperish decisions

I would take the solar scorcher as a secondary weapon because you do not have to lug extra ammo around. But if you are going for realism then you probably do not want it besides you can only find one in a random encounter and you have to be lucky to get it. Otherwise, it all depends on what weapon skill you are using. If you only take small gunns then i would suggest the gauss pistol. You are already planning on taking the gauss rifle so same ammo. If you take energy weapons then i would suggest the plasma pistol. As for a third tag. Energy weapons is good, also steal or first aid.


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: Sniperish decisions

I'd choose the Red Ryder LE BB gun (from Buster, the price gauging midget in NCR, or Private Dobbs in Sierra A.D.) as my secondary weapon. It good damage and range coupled with its low cost ammo makes it a very attractive choice. It's for the times when you don't want to waste rare and very expensive 2mm EC ammo, like wild dogs and rats. I also like the P90c smg, for the same reason, good dam and range, plus plentiful cheap ammo.
RE: Sniperish decisions

I agree. The .223 or .227 i cant remember wich....anyway...its a good gun, some nice damage earlier on, and plenty of ammo indeed. but they dont have the right visual when its in your hand it looks like a smg. damn. cant win em all
RE: Sniperish decisions

Well, I'd tag big guns and go with the bozar, since it's technically supposed to be a sniper weapon anyway. If you don't like that idea, go with a Pancor. If you're not tagging big guns, take steal or perhaps gambling, either are a great way to make money ('specially in Ascorti's Ace with the latter). Don't know about those two in terms of realism, unless you're going to be roleplaying a rogue-esque character. Just don't tag a melee skill. Train with the tribal in Arroyo and John in Klamath, and you've already got yourself upwards of 70% unarmed.
RE: Sniperish decisions

-Just don't tag a melee skill. Train with the tribal in Arroyo and John in Klamath, and you've already got yourself upwards of 70% unarmed. -

How the * did you get 70% by just training with those 2? I did the same and i only got 50%... other stats? I got strenght 8...?
RE: Sniperish decisions

-Just don't tag a melee skill. Train with the tribal in Arroyo and John in Klamath, and you've already got yourself upwards of 70% unarmed. -

How the * did you get 70% by just training with those 2? I did the same and i only got 50%... other stats? I got strenght 8...?
RE: Sniperish decisions

>How the * did you get
>70% by just training with
>those 2? I did the
>same and i only got
>50%... other stats? I got
>strenght 8...?

You probably took the "Gifted" trait which brings down the starting percentages of all your skills.


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