RE: Fo3 cities.. and some more... Whooops...
The Shi, and the BoS would be most likely to read/understand about the guns in specific, and VC do have a little more interest in Medical knowledge... yes, they do have laser turrets, and someone must have built them, and some are maintaining them... It seems likely that most people do know how to read, gravestones are marked, buldings and cities have labels, some of the people are carrying a magazine of some sort, and even in Broken Hills, the mutants know how to read (letter to Francis) and in the FO1, the people next to the Blades have a whole library... almost every community I can think of have a set of book or two...
in the coming game, maybe a real hospital could be included (not those one level, one or two room excuses for a hospital could have been raised...) there are, for instance, the emergency bag (somewhat like the military kit, which includes even an oxygen tank) what puzzles me is that they do damage the reciever of medical attention after a while... Something like that, so you could be laid down on a medical bed, and might even flirt a little with the nurses =) Well, it's an RPG isn't it? After running around and have been killing a hundred or so of various enemys, the game tends to become a little of "been there, done that" What makes me a little frustrated are that you sometimes are the most powerful, or most charismatic perosn around, and never, ever, could you be voted for leader or boss for your own Khan Gang, group, unit, community... imgagine, in an Rpg, being a squad leader, that actually leads his/her unit in an assault on a raider camp, just for a short period... someone giving you support fire while you are advancing for cover, instead of everyone in your group running after you if you get a bit too far from them.. that I liked in FoT:BoS, not having your follower getting in the way of your perfect burst-fire line... I liked that you had the choice of Real-Time or Turn-based... they fullfilled different rolles... although i almost everytime play it in RT... however, back to the cities...
The cities that comes up should be more like NCR in my opinion... No guns waving about, but not the walled of sections... kinda took the feeling of an actual town away, and a democratic as well, as people inside are like in a fortress, and those outside stuck there in the dark... so to speak... In liked New Reno in it's openes, and those "meaningless buldings", as the whorehouse should be more appearing... in the meaning, that a stealthy character, would have more use to the building as a hideout, than the "Rambo"-character... although he is somewhat stealthy in the movie... but I guess you know what I mean... and that a top floor window should be perfect for a sniper to hide, and if the target is alone, and with a silencer, you could get away undetected... (there are an assaination-mission, or rather suicide mission, after Mr.Westin had his accident... although I've always survived) Now I'm actually taking away a lot of the feeling in the first two games by wanting to make the world more civilized... The Mad-Max feeling were best in the start of the two gaes, when supplys were very scarce... but when you could trade you up to a ridicoulus amount of ammo and guns, the game became more like, I'm not a survivor in the wastes, I'm a mean. lean, grean killing machine... And you know what!? I'm invincible and I have enough weaponry to blow you back to the stone age! It has it's moments, but in the long run, it gets a bit boring... Well, when you're weeding out the trash of the wasteland like an Angel of Death, I kinda like it... (slavers, raiders and such) Who am I to tell right from wrong? Well, I'm sometimes known as DeathAngel (mostly in FO2) so why not! I'm the kind of Goodie Twoshoes-character player I wished I could be in this (our own) world of injustice and corruption! Thats why I would like to be a leader or boss in FO3... So that you could command a cleansing of evil without having to running around in the wastes, gathering enough ammo and stimpacks for yourself, but could decide to take command of, for instance, The Rangers, and crush the injustice... Like in VC, where ghouls are shot on sight... and if you manage to get Markus or Lenny inside, they'll shot at them... SoBs! And when you save some slaves from the slavers on your way in the wastes, you can't interact with them, so you can't help them home or anything... Kinda cruel like the slavers themselves to leave them there, and hoping that they would be safe... S*cks*!