Who at this rate will earn himself a 'special' avatar.
Mr. Magnetichead, you are the one who is making belittling statements. Phil just made a comment about the graphics in those screenshots, pointing out that the technology really isn't all that new, which is the plain truth. He wasn't judging the entire game, rather explaining why "revolutionary" would be the wrong word to use.
Because you have just registered on this forum means we have no information on you. You could be a game developer, a fifteen year old boy, or a forty year old women who has just learned about the internet. We have no information to judge that you haven't "come down in the last shower." The history of this forum has proven that it's better not to over-estimate newbies, as quite frankly, quite a few of them would be better off never to come here in the first place.
Now I really don't wish to lock this thread, because there is an interesting discussion on hand. If you wish to duke it out with someone, do it over Private Messages, this is a forum for Fallout 3.
As for the discussion at hand, there really isn't that large a body of images to draw from, it would be nice to have a movie or something of the sort. Right now, it looks nice, but I'm suspicious as how it will run.