Well, it's been a few months since I've visited these forums, but I see everyone is as fuck-you cheerful as ever.
Anywho, I was wondering if you more
experienced fellas could give me your frank opinions: is Fallout 3 actually going to drop out from between Mommy's legs and land in our bassinets, or is it going to be a miscarriage?
Because the concept art, renders, and screens look fucking sweet. Before you ask, I did read the FAQs, I read everything, but if a guy wants to get to the meat of the issue, he has to ask the fanatics themselves.
Don't get me wrong -- I love Fallout. I even created a d20 Modern (pen-and-paper RPG) campaign that was basically Fallout 2 on paper. Same cities and towns, same areas from the town maps, same NPCs, same items, armor, and weapons (converted to d20, of course), same enemies... you get the idea. That was the best campaign ever.
But even from reading everything available about F3, and also from reading this thread, I can't get a sense of whether Fallout 3 is REALLY going to happen or not... sigh.
Plz hlp me, 4 i m n00b, lolz.