FO3 storyplot

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Ahem.(clearing of throat..:) Some time ago I posted a FO plotline that threads through the series and basically explained
how/why the FO universe evolved into its present form. After some careful thought, a plot to FO3 that is based on the above mentioned plotline came to mind and I'll be sharing it
here; if only in synopsis form because I don't have the will nor time to write a descriptive story. Do read it with an open mind
and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do writing it. (it contains lots of references and borrowed ideas, see if you can spot
them..) This is my story and I'll stick by it……

Our hero(we call him Rean)awoke amidst some stripped bodies(presumably his kidnappers), a burnt automobile with no
memory of himself. Discerning a commotion in the darkness ahead of him, he stumbled onto a family caravan surrounded by
raiders. Using wits and brawn, the caravan was saved and he found himself a new family and a friend, Denver. The caravan
converged with others at a place called caravan point, Colorado. Rean distinguished himself in his service for the community by
completing many quests and forging peace with neighbouring people, in the process discovering and destroying the common
scourge: the raiders' HQ. He also found what he suspected would be in the raiders' possession: loot from the stripped bodies
that would provide a clue as to who he was. Midway back, Rean and Denver left to help other communities, only to return to
the charred remains of Caravan Point. They swore revenge and in the night, a mysterious man for whom Rean felt an instant
trust told them to go to a remote NCR outpost at Utah to serve there, and then mysteriously disappear.

Life at NCR outpost Utah was uneventful while they did their best to help out until refugees drifted in from Nevada from raiding
Shi and mutant parties. Against the Sheriff's orders, the pair headed to the Nevada "warzone" and discovered that both the
emerging reformed USA led by NCR and the Shi/mutant coalition thought that they were attacked by each others' forces.
Raids were commonplace. In addition, a spate of very mysteriously random murders was committed in Shi territory upon
innocent individuals. Random except that they had a history of "visions" and a dreadful sense of impending evil before they
were murdered. Upon investigation of some evidence left behind which corresponded to the loot, it was discovered that a very
organised third party was at work to pit NCR and SMC against each other. Rean knew the answer lie in finding out the identity
of this third party. The son of the Shi mayor, Xie Yuan joined them and after many quests/conflicts (with the mysterious group
too), a temporal peace was restored when the party found a gigantic biosphere (with advanced biotech) and presented it to
both the NCR and SMC.

At this time, a group of mutated ex-humans called Gaians brought the party to their "Underworld"-a place hollowed out by
unhuman hands in the bowels of USA's nuclear train networks and bases in the belief that the trusted party can solve their
problems. Apparently, the Gaians noticed lots of threatening subterranean activity nearby which they believed to be the source
of NCR/SMC troubles too. They discovered the staging grounds of the group and also vast arrays of pre-war weapon caches.
The group was expanding their underground facilities and Xie Yuan realised that perhaps this was the very same group that had
been equipping both the NCR and SMC for war. But why? A huge battle ensued and the party emerged victorious.
Discovering the base to be secondary to a primary base in the vicinity, an urgent hunt was on to stave off an impending attack.

In the process, a cryogenically hibernated man, Hauver, was found and restored. Joining the party, he explained that he was a
sleeper psionic agent developed by the US in the 1950s using a prototype FEV believed to increase intelligence as well as to
push humans to the next evolutionary step, psionics. This FEV, along with many other advanced weapon technologies, were
products of crashed alien spacecraft reversed engineering during the arms race with Russia. Hauver was the only psionic who
did not succumb to madness induced by detecting an inexplicable sense of evil. Furthermore, he added that Rean was very
special but he couldn't put a finger on it. Leading the party with his pre-war knowledge to the primary base Area 51, a
successful first strike was carried out with the aid of an intervening BoS. The GoS(Guardians of Steel) headed the tech
research here and originally splintered from BoS partially because of differing philosophy towards technology and also the lure
of alien knowledge. Cowed into submission by the organisation, they were now repentant and decide to rejoin BoS, who had
been bidding their time to free GoS. The place yielded solid evidence of a mysterious group trying to equip NCR/SMC into
destroying each other as well as FEV/human research.

The info and the analysis back at the Biosphere suggested that the research had to do with irradiating humans to harvest as a
psi "food" source. Furthermore, it mentioned that the period of irradiation was nearly over for the next step of action. Nothing
more was known. Rean discovered his identity from the head of BoS who recognised him. It turned out that Rean was the son
of the Mayor of New Arroyo(the Chosen One). As a chief architect of NCR/SMC peace treaty, he was violently murdered by
unknown persons. Not only that, the description of the father resembled the mysterious man! In the meantime as Shi, in the light
of these new evidence, prepared for a peace delegation consisting of the party to NCR, Hauver convinced Rean that they
round up the mutants who showed psionic symptoms to protect them. Only Rachel, Rean's soon to be love interest was found
and she travelled along with the party to NCR, as many mysterious assassinations were foiled.

After a brief tearful and secret acquaintance with the rest of the family, Esther who was Rean's sister joined the party. The
party received a hero's welcome at NCR and Rean talked to Mr Messler, a wise senate(3rd top dog) before being ushered
into private reception with the President and VP. In the room, the VP killed the President point blank and blamed it on Rean,
who said the truth but was branded with high treason and the whole party was incarcerated in vault 15 to be tried and executed
morning-day tomorrow. In the night, the mysterious man once again appeared, telling Rean to be prepared for rescue
tomorrow. Rachel warned Rean of the man. In the morning at the open air public trials, just as the jury requested that the case
be further investigated, a vertibird appeared and hell broke loose. The head of BoS, having aliased with Messler and the senate
about the suspicion of the hatemonger VP, were prepared for such an eventuality. Using a psionic device found at the Nevada
base to unmorph, the VP's terrifying psionic nature was revealed and he made a getaway.

With NCR/SMC at peace, Rachel tracked the VP psionically to Missouri. There a vast experimental city called Aberration
that escaped the nuclear fires stood tall. Remnants gathered around the edge of this city, horrified by the evils that lie within.
After many battles with strange genetically modified creatures and aliens, the party finally penetrated the deep/dark core to a
satanic chamber. There Krey(the VP) revealed how he, as a satanist had sold his life to a "Master" for unimaginable power.
And how he rose to power in Russia to start a nuclear war just to irradiate humanity long enough just so that they will turn into
psionic "food" after exposure to a virulent brand of FEV. And of how soon the time would come for this FEV to be released
and that he was in the meantime trying to eradicate psychics who could detect his Master's presence as well as to create chaos
and misery to feed on more psi. Krey also told Rean incompetent sub-ordinates boached his kidnap job and that Krey
deliberately got Rean to Utah to keep an eye on him,reason being Rean had an extraordinary power called the "Gift of the
Lesser Unity" which could help Krey defeat the Master. Refusing Krey's offer to share power together, the party was left with
a self destructive city as Krey jettisoned off. Vital information of the main staging ground and launching location of the FEV
ICBMs was downloaded before the city destructed.

With this info, NCR/SMC sent a combined force with the party to Florida. There it was discovered that aliens and critters
were ferried from some unknown location to a local submarine base to be built up in Florida for an imminent Eastern USA
attack. As a massive slugfest began, the party tried to hold up a Typhoon III class ICBM platform submarine, which is the
FEV platform from leaving. Krey finally met his fiery end here. Although the missile hatch could not open, yet the scientists
were busily doing things to the submarine before it took off on auto with the party. Rean was handed a large device salvaged
from Nevada for "comms" as it was about to leave.

Two submarines trailed the Typhoon from afar, not daring to sink it as it embarked on a journey back to the "Master". And as
the Typhoon emerged at the Russian shoreline, the two submarines emerged too and strafed the party as it tries to land. Large
marine creatures and aliens swarmed the party. Alien troopers released the missile hatches using special codes as the general
bellowed: "Look on as the FEV spreads its scourge across the world!". There was a smug satisfaction on the party as they saw
the Shi-wasteland cure, which had been swapped for the FEV, travelled on pillars of fire towards their ultimate destinations.
Fortunately, the party was rescued by a Russian underground group that had intercepted the comms in US. Russia was
extremely badly affected by alien xenoforming as more and more of its population was harvested as "food", being at the
epicenter of the alien invasion.

The rebel leader explained that 2 alien spacecraft crashed in Russia. One at Tunguska and another at a location 150km away.
The first was called Citadel1 but it was completely alien xenoformed and a living hell for a 100km radius on the surface with
robotic sentries guarding the area ceaselessly. Filled with biological terrors, it would be pure suicide. The other site, Citadel2,
was not xenoformed and lightly guarded. Thus a coordinated attack was made on Citadel2 to see if anything could be
salvaged. Inside the Russian leader found a sufficiently powered antenna to direct Russia's only EM pulse satellite to do a
one-shot aim at Citadel1, thus destroying all electronic equipment in the area. In Citadel2, some alien bio suits were also found.
Rean, being the only one able to withstand the psionic emanation of the "Master", wore the bio suit that would protect and
disguise him from the biological lifeforms on the surface and penetrated Citadel1 alone as Rachel guarded outside.

In the final showdown between Rean and the "Master", the Master revealed that the comms device was actually a
thermonuclear warhead. A weapon that NCR/SMC had intended to detonate all along upon knowing that Rean had reached
Citadel1, and which the "Master" had stalled with his psionic powers. So why not exact revenge on the ungrateful scum by
joining the "Master" and gaining vast power? Rean refused and the "Master" immediately warped into his mindscape for battle
by drawing on the most painful memories, since he was incapable of physical attacks. In mindscape, Rean realised that the
"Master" was a most dreaded psionic creature on the run from intergalactic justice who happened to crash here in 1850s. On
Earth, he needed humans as psi food. Rean also realised that his "Gift of Lesser Unity" was dependent on karma and that
although ordinarily it could only tilt all things of chance wildly in the favour of the possessor in an uncontrollable manner, yet in
mindscape Rean can exercise unfettered psionic powers at will. Three battles lay before him… he discovered he could imagine
a different companion to assist him in each battle. First was caravan point massacre where Denver fought with him against great
number of raiders and robots. Secondly was the scene of the death of his father where Esther joined Rean to fight Krey and
the elite troopers. Finally, and this scene seems so realistic: was of Rean himself battling the alien troopers who were attacking

After winning all these mental battles, the "Master" was eternally locked in a recursive mind torment. Rean put the nuclear
device on the surface and gently carried Rachel's unconscious form into citadel1. Seconds later, a blinding flash wiped the alien
disease off the face of the Earth. Many years went by, no news was ever heard of the couple. However sometimes people
would claim to see a couple resembling them at caravan point, or New Arroyo. But they were merely that, just rumors…

PS>Cover of FO3 would show a person wearing alien bio-armor.
Nice story! But one thing: WW3 was battled in the 2080's or something like that not in the 1950's, but I like the story. Mail it to Interplay! Now! Or i kill you! Kill,kill,kill,kill Die,die,die,die!!!!!
glad you like it, that's part of my joy in writing this :) do you happen to know the email by the way?