Followers of The Apocalypse and Yes Man


Mildly Dipped

OPTIONAL: Yes Man asks you to convince the Followers of the Apocalypse to give full assistance to the New Vegas region; simply go and talk to Julie Farkas. There appears to be no way that she'll decline, so once you're done just report back to the Lucky 38 and complete your quest.

I finished the game , independent ending but everybody knows Followers get kicked out eventually . And i didn't get the option from Yes Man to talk about them as mentioned in The Vault wiki .

So i reloaded a lot and tried to see where i went wrong . And i cannot figure it out no matter how hard i try .

I became a member of Followers (did all their quests) , made BoS to be on NCR side , got Arcade to help me at the battle , resolved problems for all the tribes peacefully and told Khans to go their separate ways .
At first i took assassination quest first from col. Moore and saved Kimball , it didn't change anything with Yes Man later . Not even if you shoot his brains out . Then i tried to go directly to Yes Man where he tells you about Kimball as an optional quest part . It still didn't change his speech later in a matter where i would get an option for the Followers to support New Vegas independence . He never mentioned them , not even in the first stages when you meet him .

It's nice that this Followers option is mentioned everywhere in walkthroughs but i'm beginning to think that this is not possible ... after so many hours of loadings and tries you'd think something would slightly change but it didn't . I'd rather be out of luck than out of options , but after exhausting so many this begins to be rather annoying .
Christ , solved ... somehow O.o
Well dunno what the trigger is still . I protected Kimball without incidents and did not kill House yet , saved game right there . So the next part was to go to El Dorado Station . But i didn't and i fried his ass and called for Yes Man to go to the tower . Now bout that option .

It's optional because you can ask him "is there something else i need to do before the dam" kind of a question right before going to Hoover Dam battle . And he tells you something like "well , maaaaaybe there's some calculations hurrr hurr , followers bla bla" . It never gets into quest as an option during Finishing Touches , it's just a normal talk to him after it . Right before going to the Dam you have to ask him this , it doesn't appear before or after .

My bad again .
Appears in Pip-Boy quests only if you talk to him . So yeah , it's a quest that you have to make appear . You don't need a speech check or anything like that , just to click at the right time .
But its glitched, or it is intentionaly futile, because even if you get them to join you they still get overflown by patients making that option worthless, is it a glitched ending or there is no eding for that whatsoever?
I don't think so . Sounds logical to me the way it is , dunno , other options would be superb for them but free aid giving people in apocalyptic world not having popularity which overwhelms them in the end ? Not sure about that .

Let's see ... you save Vegas , it's a free city now , free from House / NCR / Legion . Because the Followers help people generally the word would be spread of free aid and god knows how many people would come , and why wouldn't they anyway ? They would be eventually overwhelmed with patients which is mentioned in the ending and they leave because of that . Definetly not House MD or Grey's Anatomy :D
House limits the people numbers by Strip entering fee or laws , NCR kicks people out and Legion heheh ...
Only independent ending makes people flock to New Vegas like it's some kind of a wonder city , Yes Man is off for some time so the parameters you give him are only for the inside and NCR/Legion . Not all people from wasteland , and he goes offline later . Seeing how that many flocking wastelanders can be injured all the time (it's a Fallout world after all) you would need a godly amount of medicine and doctors and Followers could only help Freeside barely . They just don't have the capacity to deal with too much people . Kings and families don't care too much for free giving stuff .

Consider this , if you had a free apple a mile off and a 100 dollar apple half a mile which way would you go ?

At least that's what i think and that's why it is an ok ending for Followers . They go with Khans eventually which is good because those poor guys have their numbers more than halved by the unnecessary fighting .

Also I'd limit New Vegas entering , even if independent ending is a good one . Otherwise if the Families or the Kings didn't stay , the city would eat itself up . Wonder how many refugees you can place in a city and ... press nuke button! Noooo i'm not evil >.> wouldn't do that !