FOnline: 2238 announced

Hexuss said:
Few more questions concerning 2238..
1) 15 April release is final and you gonna implement updates (if it is necessary) during the game, or you planning to close it after some time for revision?

Well, it is not final in the sense of "the game is complete". The game is still in a early stage but the open test will not close (at least we don't plan it yet). Updates will be ongoing.

Hexuss said:
2) Would it be some Global Quest, after completing which game is wiping and restarting, as it would be in The Life After, or no?

There is no "global quest" yet, etc. But we need to wipe the server every now and then if really big updates will be introduced. (This could happen every months but we try to avoid total wipes).

To your third question I can't say much. I have nothing to do with the combat system.
Thanks for the answers, Lexx.

Concerning combat system.. There are “armor class” and “damage resistance”. Second one - "DR" – mean some percentage on which taken damage would be reduced, this percentage can be increased by wearing armor, this in understandable. First one, “AC”, mean chance to evade attack, to dodge, if I`m getting all right. The question is (you don’t have to answer, this is on original Fallout developers conscience :)) why wearing some heavy armor increase your chance to evade? Shouldn’t it be decreased? Coz in my opinion naked character should have maximum evade bonus, and minimum damage resistance, while dude in armor – minimal evade chance and maximum damage resistance..
Have you made some updates to this armor system in FOnline: 2238 compared to the original F2 or it is the same? And, if it is the same, why you kept it?
At the moment, the system is the same. We didn't changed it because we are still working on reverse engineering stuff from Fallout 2.
Hexuss said:
Concerning combat system.. There are “armor class” and “damage resistance”.

Not to sound nerdy (but it will) but the AC system sounds just like that of D&D 3.5 or something. The AC is a general attirtubute that represents your Overall affect to dodging harm. It is a combination of movement, natural agility, and defenses you have equipped yourself with. I am not part of the dev teams anywhere, but going from total nerd-knowledge. (~.~) Or an approximation of. Anyway, that is why the AC bonuses is higher for armors, as it isn't necessarily representing your characters speed/agility in dodging blows, but a combination of that plus the raw stopping power of whatever you're wearing. (@_@) A solution, of course not, but I hope this helps explain it some, Hexuss. (Oh, and the DR is also representing the pure stopping power of the armor. As in, if it has high AC and DR, then simply put, you're like a tank. Even if you do get hit, it'll take a certain threshold of damage just to scratch you. >_>)

I seen his AC question and I couldn't help myself. Bad hands!
Im interested to know how the 'AC' bonus is handled when you have spare action points.

In f1/f2 when you end a round each unused action point becomes 1ac.

But as I understand it, there are no rounds in fonline. So im wondering how the bonus works, or if it is in the game at all? Also how does this effect the perk H2H evade (+2ac per action point 1/12th unarmed skill turned into AC)
What I would like to know is: Will we see another developer diary before 15th August? Thank you.

I would also like to read complete development documents but I prefer to find out stuff by playing :D
Gizzardpuke said:
how the 'AC' bonus is handled
I'm not the right person to answer this, but I'll try: In the TB mode the unspent APs should give you bonus to AC (if not currently, it is being implemented right now, probably). In real-time mode there's no point in that (although idling replenishes your APs).

Cold Zer0 said:
What I would like to know is: Will we see another developer diary before 15th August? Thank you.
Yes, most probably. We are busy with the preparations for the test, this is why we didn't manage to finish it already.

Cold Zer0 said:
I would also like to read complete development documents but I prefer to find out stuff by playing :D
It's been worked on, the game manual should be ready till Saturday.

SmartCheetah said:
Fantastic graphic art. I wonder how did we miss such a talent? ;)
Yes 3 days. I'm getting ready to join the NMA Unity and also recruiting a few real life friends for it :)

BTW I had a small brainstorm. It's about posting bounties. As far as I understood if you post a bounty in Moddoc people would have to go there to get it. Many of the bounties would be missed. To counter that I was thinking that there should be a NPC Gans of Bounty hunters to whom you have to talk before you could put bounty on someone.

As other player that wants to see what bounties are on you could tune to a "Bounty Hunter" frequency, lets say channel 54, beacuse of the 1954 movie Bounty Hunter, and get the list of all bounties. The interface could be similar to the one that is used for crafting: you see a few words description and then click on it for more details. Or we could use the good old pip boy interface for that.

What do you think Rotators? :)

EDIT: Thank you for the answers about manual and video...Now about those bounties... :)
To the bounties: You can't just run around and kill random people, hoping to get the bountie from them. First you need to talk to the sheriff or watch wanted posters, etc. to see on whom a bountie is set. If you then kill the person, you can find dog tags on his body (if this is still valid...) and can go with the dog tags back to the sheriff.
Lexx said:
To the bounties: You can't just run around and kill random people, hoping to get the bountie from them. First you need to talk to the sheriff or watch wanted posters, etc. to see on whom a bountie is set. If you then kill the person, you can find dog tags on his body (if this is still valid...) and can go with the dog tags back to the sheriff.

Thank you but I think you mentioned that earlier :) I was just proposing an idea to have all bounties in one list for convenience :) It's a rare commodity in the Wasteland these days ;)
Ah well, don't know if I already answered this. In the last few weeks we get always the same questions and we answer always the same questions, etc. :P
Lexx said:
Ah well, don't know if I already answered this. In the last few weeks we get always the same questions and we answer always the same questions, etc. :P

No problem, I can only imagine the amount of work you're guys in right now.

So will the Unity be reformed? :)
Cold Zer0 said:
Yes 3 days.
I was asking about time, I know it is on Saturday. So is it gonna start in the morning, lunch time, afternoon or night on Saturday. Looking forward to it.
Cold Zer0 said:
Lexx said:
Ah well, don't know if I already answered this. In the last few weeks we get always the same questions and we answer always the same questions, etc. :P

No problem, I can only imagine the amount of work you're guys in right now.

So will the Unity be reformed? :)

Maybe. But I think there is no need for "such" Unity we've seen before, in last beta. We're playing in 2238, a long time after Master's death. As you probably know CotC were disbanded shortly after Vault Dweller destroyed the Cathedral.
But - everything concerning timeline/storyline depends on Rotators view.

As for me and few friends from last OBT, N.M.A and RL- we're trying to create some kind of mercenary/gang group, so just you know... :P
SmartCheetah said:
Maybe. But I think there is no need for "such" Unity we've seen before, in last beta. We're playing in 2238, a long time after Master's death. As you probably know CotC were disbanded shortly after Vault Dweller destroyed the Cathedral.
But - everything concerning timeline/storyline depends on Rotators view.

As for me and few friends from last OBT, N.M.A and RL- we're trying to create some kind of mercenary/gang group, so just you know... :P

The Master's dream will never die!!! ;) But anyway count me in. I want to play with people from NMA. See you (F)Online :)
Open test will probably start in the later evening. Depends on if we get the servers to start etc. We have some problems with our worldmap right now. Time will tell.
Lexx said:
Open test will probably start in the later evening. Depends on if we get the servers to start etc. We have some problems with our worldmap right now. Time will tell.
Lexx, thank you for your answer. I hope that your server won't be overloaded in the first few hours. :lol: