FOnline: 2238 announced

One last question for today. Lexx mentioned that FOnline 2238 will get it's thread on NMA when the game starts, so my question is: is it a thread or will we get one part of the forums for the game so we can have multiple topics and discussions?
Uhm. Need to talk about it with teh adminz again. Last time it looked good for a sub-forum.
I hope there will be some restrictions for player-created factions/gangs, so there will not be any 3man Unity or 10x Enclave.

+ Are lore factions (such as BoS, Enclave, remains of Unity etc) run by NPC only, or can PC become senior member and then take part in faction lead (inviting, promoting, kicking, setting wars with others...)?
There is a list with all possible faction names. It is not possible to take your own name.

Big factions like BoS, Enclave, etc. are "game master-driven". It is possible to join some but they are not player controlled.
Woot! So soon, can't wait.

I'm sure you guys are very busy and stuff, but I just had to share my thoughts on this one:

(I haven't played the OB2, nor I have seen any combat material from the new beta - I know it's coming! - so I'm terribly sorry if what I'm going to talk about is already working ok)

If we assume (just to make it more comprehensible) that a player has 12 APs (by drugs, or 10 AG + 2x Action Boy) he can shoot with:
- 2x sniper rifle, or
- 3x pistol
with the same cost of AP before he will need to recharge his APs.

However, 2x animations of shooting a sniper rifle would be quicker than shooting 3x a pistol... in TB it's irrelevant, but in RT it makes a lot of a difference, since AP should be also a representation of time.

By the way, some of you will probably agree with me that pistols, in popular culture, are believed to have higher rate of (accurate) fire in the hands of a skilled person, compared to semi-automatic rifles, shotguns and such (if taking into account recoil, adjusting aim before the next shot etc.)

So, what I am advising is to be able to use pistols in the following way (e.g. in animation terms):
instead of
basically, the idea is to cut down the in-between drawing / lowering animations and allowing the player too shoot his pistol constantly until his/hers AP last and possibly make it last similarly long as shooting rifles a couple times.

Why not do the same for rifles, smgs (burst) etc. ? Because of bigger recoil, aim-adjust etc. that makes things trickier to control.
This is something we don't work with, it's an engine feature.

Cvet is working on the engine and his wish is, currently, to keep the game as close to Fallout 1/2 as it is possible. My opinion is the same. Making a pause between two consequent shots is something inherited from the TB combat mode and it has its own "charm".

Other than that, the animations are pretty quick anyway, so the difference between the current animation system and the one you propose would be negligible.
It would be a kind of burst-shot for pistols. When we can introduce new animations, we could do this without changing anything in the engine.

Tho' I don't really like it too. The game and the combat is already pretty fast.
What I was advising wasn't really about making combat quicker, I'm sure you guys did a good job at making it more dynamic, but it was more about making pistols have an advantage over other guns on a different level.

Pistols already make less damage (I know they cost less AP but it doesn't matter much if you're dead before you'll be able to use your leftover AP), and if they are not quicker to use (what the AP cost would suggest) than they will end up being considered worse.

remember One Hander trait? It might become another useless, unused feature of Fallout1/2, which will simply die in the transition to Fonline. Wouldn't like to see that happen!

Anyway, I see your point, I can't wait till the beta opens up. Thumbs up!

I just gota say good luck to this and i hope that nothing bad happens to it. I just can't wait for this.

But is there any chance obsiadian/bethesada can take this down or something?
xPoncex said:
I just gota say good luck to this and i hope that nothing bad happens to it. I just can't wait for this.

But is there any chance obsiadian/bethesada can take this down or something?
as long as there's no money involved they shouldn't.. I had a bit of IP rights on my course, but I'm not a lawyer though.. ;p
xPoncex said:
I just gota say good luck to this and i hope that nothing bad happens to it. I just can't wait for this.

But is there any chance obsiadian/bethesada can take this down or something?

I think this is no competition for them.

Btw if everything goes by the plan and we will see our dream to come true i would like to support dev team. Do you take any kind of donations or something?
lisac2k said:
Sius said:
Do you take any kind of donations or something?
Only as PC hardware or money intended for buying some. A few more servers could come in handy.

I've PMed Lexx about this (i think it was him) and in fact I have some spare servers to provide you with =). PM/mail if you are interested.
Hmm. I totally overlooked it. Sorry that I haven't answered yet.
We are very busy, working our asses out to finish everything as planned.

I wish sometimes this was Duke Nukem Forever. //sarcasm off
Ezekial said:

Yeah, pistols were totally useless in closed, and one hander always was and will be in its current state (+20% accuracy bonus in pistols for -40% in rifles? Not worth it). I've been banging on about this, but the devs don't seem to be going for it.

Rifles are as abundant/more abundant than pistols, more powerful, often with burst, with an equal AP cost. Sure, pistols are cheaper, but nobody buys guns - they scav them.

Now would be the best time to just tweak the 20 or so pistol protos to give them a reduced AP cost, rather than knowingly leaving them useless for open.
lisac2k said:
We are very busy, working our asses out to finish everything as planned.

I wish sometimes this was Duke Nukem Forever. //sarcasm off

I understand and hope everything will go smoothly. RIP Duke ;)