FOnline: 2238 announced

It's not a mod. You need to download the client, set paths to master.dat and critter.dat and that's it.
Oh thats better? Is the client something like Hamachi? If it is i might actually have a fighting chance to get this to work.
xPoncex said:
Oh thats better? Is the client something like Hamachi? If it is i might actually have a fighting chance to get this to work.

Hamachi? :) Two different worlds. You download the game, install it and then before the game starts it asks you for paths to critter.dat and master.dat. Easy as pie :)
Derajo said:
Know those bulletin boards located in several of those towns in the game? What an excellent place to go looking for recent bounty listings, or the most priciest ones... *Chin-rub.*

Also, crazy/evil characters shouldn't be shunned from everywhere... what is the point of being bad in a game where you have the option, but in so doing makes the game unenjoyable due to no suppliers? Not saying to change your plans, though will there be neutral/evil places that will deal with 'bad' characters? Prices would probably suck as well as the selection? Just an idea. >_> Or some sort of ultimate black-marketeers dream located within an old cavern system or base. Where soldiers armed with Miniguns flank the way to the ample riches held within. At extremely inflated rates thanks to all the... security*Cough*oppression*cough*

Oh, lots of ways I could take this train of thought...
On a final note, reading your guys updates about the game and things within brings a smile to my face too. :D Good luck in your endeavors, I for one look forward to playing this when possible.

Hopefully being a prate will be somewhat like EVE in that a pirate needs others to survive.

For instance, say you are the leader of a gang in the wastes, you pillage village after village, but now you are infamous throughout the wasteland. You have the highest bounty in California and you are shoot on sight everywhere. How are you going to get supplies?

You don't.
Someone else does.

Even as a raider, you'd need to put your trust into someone else to secretly get supplies for you and your gang, someone who isn't known throughout the wastes. They can go to towns, buy supplies, then deliver it to your "hideout" without a single shot being fired.

Now when someone finds out the true cause behind this mysterious buyer of everything, whats going to happen? Well thats up to the riaders and how they want ot deal with it.
Well not every city/base is populated with "good" guys... I hope "evil" factions like raiders or remains of unity will have their own small cities/camps/bases with their own supplyes (where guards/NPCs would be neutral only to their kind=kilers, thieves, slavers and hostile to the rest). So if you decide to play bad guy you could always get what you need without middleman or sneaking around in "good" cities.
I hope you got my point =).
Sius said:
Well not every city/base is populated with "good" guys... I hope "evil" factions like raiders or remains of unity will have their own small cities/camps/bases with their own supplyes (where guards/NPCs would be neutral only to their kind=kilers, thieves, slavers and hostile to the rest). So if you decide to play bad guy you could always get what you need without middleman or sneaking around in "good" cities.
I hope you got my point =).

Of course, but do you really think that the seedy places that allow all the evil characters and raiders in are going to have the best weapons in the game needed to finance and supply a huge gang?

Doubtful, but we'll see.

Prahps there will be some sort of Black Market underground trade system in the game, who knows.
HoboWithAGlock said:
Prahps there will be some sort of Black Market underground trade system in the game, who knows.

Only if the players make one. Suppose I can get steady flow of small energy cells because of my position in the BOS. I could sell them to the highest bidder. Or some advanced weapons and armours. Everything is possible. Can't wait for tomorrow :D

EDIT: Typos
Cold Zer0 said:
HoboWithAGlock said:
Prahps there will be some sort of Black Market underground trade system in the game, who knows.

Only if the players make one. Suppose I can get steady flow of small energy cells because of my position in the BOS. I could sell them to the highest bidder. Or some advanced weapons and armours. Everything is possible. Can't wait for tomorrow :D

EDIT: Typos
Eh, don't know, what if I tell you that I will report you to Maxson if you don't give me better price? Maxson will kick your ass off your shiny PA and BOS then :mrgreen:
JaW said:
Eh, don't know, what if I tell you that I will report you to Maxson if you don't give me better price? Maxson will kick your ass off your shiny PA and BOS then :mrgreen:

What if I tell you that if you break that deal you'll have at least one organization that is buying all that weapons on your tail? :) The possibilities are endless :)
what time will it be available for download? Im in eastern time zone, will it be up the at 12am officially august 15th or during the day at some time.. Let me know, ivebeen waiting SOOOO long for this!!

Cold Zer0 said:
HoboWithAGlock said:
Prahps there will be some sort of Black Market underground trade system in the game, who knows.

Only if the players make one. Suppose I can get steady flow of small energy cells because of my position in the BOS. I could sell them to the highest bidder. Or some advanced weapons and armours. Everything is possible. Can't wait for tomorrow :D

EDIT: Typos

Of course, I wasn't referring to an NPC black market, lol.
Honestly cant wait. Ive been ready for this since last year. Ive been thinking about it constantly all week, and now its less than 24 hours.
Sat Aug 15, 2009 3:09

[23:34:15] <cvet> Начало не раньше, чем через сутки с данной минуты.
[23:34:15] <cvet> Start no earlier than one day to the minute.

Пы.Сы. Py.Sy. Время по Москве.
The time in Moscow.

UTC/GMT Offset
Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +3 hours
Daylight saving time: +1 hour
Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT +4 hours
Time zone abbreviation: MSD - Moscow Daylight Time
Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 8:40:23 AM MSD
Sat Aug 15, 2009 3:09

[23:34:15] <cvet> Начало не раньше, чем через сутки с данной минуты.
[23:34:15] <cvet> Start no earlier than one day to the minute.

Пы.Сы. Py.Sy. Время по Москве.
The time in Moscow.

Holy dooly, I can't wait! :aiee: