FOnline: 2238 announced

Lexx and lisac2k said we will get it in the afternoon CET. Better get some sleep. I'm waiting for midnight to start playing. See you online!
I've never been back home so fast from work. Good its still not out, that means i'll be there, when server crashes for 1st time :D.

Starting to spam F5...
hey it wont let me log on, i dont think i have the new game client, can someone give me a link to the new one?
S1ayer55 said:
hey it wont let me log on, i dont think i have the new game client, can someone give me a link to the new one?
What? Client is already released?
S1ayer55 said:
its the 15, the 3rd open test date as far as i know it is

Yea, but you have to create new account for 2238 (2obt wont work imho) and i think client has to be updated too for both 2238 or Life After. Anyway dev blog or oficial web does not say a word about release yet.
Mayck said:
S1ayer55 said:
its the 15, the 3rd open test date as far as i know it is
I know, but I haven't seen any client download links so far (even the old ones).

OLD client:

EDIT: I don't want to spam this forum so ill edit thisone. Imho we will have to wait till release of NEW client for both games and then create new accounts. So everything we can do now is sit tight and wait.
any ideas when that coming?

cause some people have said they are starting tho play at like 12am this morning
S1ayer55 said:
so i have to get the old one? but it wont let me get on. any ideas?

I think ban for you is good idea. It´s enough that you already spamming "third test" thread man.
fuzzi said:
S1ayer55 said:
so i have to get the old one? but it wont let me get on. any ideas?

I think ban for you is good idea. It´s enough that you already spamming "third test" thread man.
dude sorry ok i did not mean to spam its just i had questions so i asked if your getting mad over me needing help on something then i dont see y i need to be ban
ok i know im asking a lot, but when the new official client is released were will it be released at? (meaning witch forum)
You guys can delet the old client. It will not work, even if you know the correct server ip. (which would be very strange because the server is not online yet) ;)