FOnline: 2238 announced

Yeh. But this not:

lol nice! so any new about why the game is not up yet? oh and is it only open today or is it like a few days?
S1ayer55 said:
lol nice! so any new about why the game is not up yet? oh and is it only open today or is it like a few days?

Holy freakin' crap man! Calm your ass down. If it was up, RIGHT NOW, you'd find something saying that it was up and giving directions. And most likely in a very visible place such as a new thread or this very one. Geez, take a break, quit spamming this thread with your inane questions, and be PATIENT. They listed the time one page ago, in Moscow time. If you can't be bothered to do the math and figure out WHAT TIME THAT MEANS FOR YOU, then just wait and listen for an announcement from either A) Other players saying its up or B) the actual Devs[which is highly more likely] saying that its open. You've asked basically the same thing several times, and done similar to at least one other thread by spamming the crap out of it I seen so far.


Dang kids and yer music. /endgrumble
Ok so its 11:21 am Est where i am at (Connecticut) and Moscow is 7:21pm right now, so in 4-5 hrs the client should be up?
ok you guys are right and i apologize for the spam of questions and i will not post then unless they are really questions not just "is it ready?" cause now that i look back at all the ones i posted i feel really stupid for posting them all. its just i have played fallout for about 2 years now and i have been looking for a online one and i am just a little hyped up that im getting to play one. but you are all right i posted to much and this will probably be my last for a wile.
Hey I just read the Life after will get their servers up today as well. I thought they wernt going online till December? Also which one will everyone be playing? LA or 2238?
xPoncex said:
Ok so its 11:21 am Est where i am at (Connecticut) and Moscow is 7:21pm right now, so in 4-5 hrs the client should be up?

I was just doing the math myself to figure out how that worked. What you said looks about right. 8-hour time differential from Eastern, and if it comes out at midnight... yeah, looks like 4 hours or so. I am hoping they release the Client ahead of time, maybe a few hours, so that the website doesn't get swarmed when the clock strikes the proper time.
Derajo said:
xPoncex said:
Ok so its 11:21 am Est where i am at (Connecticut) and Moscow is 7:21pm right now, so in 4-5 hrs the client should be up?

I was just doing the math myself to figure out how that worked. What you said looks about right. 8-hour time differential from Eastern, and if it comes out at midnight... yeah, looks like 4 hours or so. I am hoping they release the Client ahead of time, maybe a few hours, so that the website doesn't get swarmed when the clock strikes the proper time.

F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5
Ok here is the time for the Continental United States

Eastern Time Zone= 3pm
Central Time Zone= 2pm
Mountain Time Zone= 1pm
Pacific Time Zone= 12pm

Check for the client before the time i stated to see if it poped up before what i wrote as the client should come up at 23:54pm Moscow Time and or they could always realaese it earlier.
I've already watched 2 movies and when a take a look at the time its still the same! Why doesn't it work like that at exams?
In case some of your are still bored and waiting, I've been browsing their forums in google translate

Its good and im finding out some cool information

btw there was 220 people browsing the forum!!!

Last night I was waiting for it and just went to sleep, I wake up at 12 and go buy a half ounce of some premium Jack Herer chronic.. I have a feeling when this shit launches its gonna be so damn good and im gonna be high for 12 hours playing this shiet!
I'm wondering, can the Fallout 2 be modded? I know all you have to do is set two different file paths with the client, but I'm playing the latest Megamod and am curious if I'll have to uninstall and use a vanilla/fresh Fallout 2 install.
You can use your Megamod-Installation too. It is only needed to have the master.dat and critter.dat. The Megamod doesn't touche these files.