FONV comic


I should set a custom tit
Justin Boyd of Lefthandedtoons and Invisible Bread fame made a short comic inspired by FONV (though it kinda works for any RPG with pacifist play option). I found it pretty witty:


And here's his take of the final talk-out of the game:

"Let's fight! Right now! Until one of us dies!"

[Speech 100/100] No.

"You're right! I never saw it like that!"

That's how I imagine it going.


P.S. This post is pretty random.
"No, you may not have my unique weapon!"

-[Barter 100/100] I won't pay you for it. <
-Here's 3,000 caps.

"Hmm, you charge a hard bargain. Deal!"
You killed Caesar, you must die!

Medicine [100/100] It wasn't my fault

Oh, Ok. See you
I think it happens because the player just selects a option and BAM, instant convicements. Its like a superpower.
In the original Fallouts, you had to take multiple speech challenges to convince someone, sometimes requiring proof of what you say and selecting the right options.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
I think it happens because the player just selects a option and BAM, instant convicements. Its like a superpower.
In the original Fallouts, you had to take multiple speech challenges to convince someone, sometimes requiring proof of what you say and selecting the right options.

The first 2 fallouts had lots of instant win speech checks.
Walpknut said:
Slaughter Manslaught said:
I think it happens because the player just selects a option and BAM, instant convicements. Its like a superpower.
In the original Fallouts, you had to take multiple speech challenges to convince someone, sometimes requiring proof of what you say and selecting the right options.

The first 2 fallouts had lots of instant win speech checks.

But they were large and well-written.

FO3 and FNV speech checks look like the dialogue option actually conveys far more than let on to the player. Its like he's firing a concentrated burst of arguments condensed into a small phrase, which is totally weird.

That's why it looks like a super-natural power.
Vault Dweller: I am a threat more dangerous than you could imagine

Khan: For some reason I believe you, take the woman with you.
There are more, and there are others that are not like that, I just don't like looking at games with rose tinted glasses.
Fallout 3's win-in-dialog-buttons had been far worse. :>

Just remember how you make the Enclaves super computer scrap all his plans and do a suicide with full base destruction because you basically just tell him to do it.

FNV on the other side, at least tries to bring up logical arguments to change peoples view on things. If I remember correct, it mostly *is not* "[COOLDUDE 100%] Yo, you are wrong!" and you got it (when I made my no dialog tags mod for the game, I was ready pretty much every skill check line in the game).
Lexx, did you make a mod where all [xxx/100] are removed from dialogues?

Many FNV skill check lines are actually well-written, both if you fail a check or else. It's only that the actual numerical representation in dialogue pretty much ruins it.