First time out of the vault

Here's my idea of incorporate food and water into fallout gameplay. Pretty long read, so bear with me. Tell me if you are for or against it. Please justify anything you say.
The player will need food to survive. There is a hunger stat, which decreases as the character moves about. Its maximum is derived from the player’s Endurance. Food in the inventory is consumed automatically when needed. The person playing the game only needs to worry about collecting enough food. A message will alert the person playing when the player start eating food in his inventory. Outdoorsman or some other number determines the actual amount of food needed to sustain life.
Vendors in town sell food at a limited quantity but constant supply. Most of the food that the vendors sell will rot within a month. This deters people from stocking up too much food. There may be icebox that let you preserve food for an extended period.
Starvation happens when player do not take in food for a few weeks. Player looses HP and temporarily looses stats. Malnutrition can also happen when player do not take the proper food. Nothing drastic happens in the short term for malnutrition. Long-term effects include permanent loose of stats. Neither First Aid nor Doctor should be able to cure starvation and malnutrition. Only proper diet can treat those.
A Perk (should be a quest-based Perk) should allow player to scavenge food from the wild. This scavenge Perk allows players to retain plants and animal remains for food. When you get the Perk, you will see an extra button on the looting screen. Scavenging animal remains require player to carry a knife. The knife is required to cut the animal. The players will also have the option of cannibalism. However, doing so will brand the player with “Cannibalism.” Some animals, plants, and people are poisonous or diseased. Players with sufficient Doctor Skill will be able to notice that.
We can incorporate water into the game as well. Water consumption will vary from time to time based on climate, weather, and player’s activity. Like eating food, drinking water is also automatic. Although, collecting water is mostly manual.
Player can get water from fresh water sources. However, there is heavy radioactive water everywhere. Player will take-in massive amount of radiation if he drinks heavy water. Player with high Science skill can tell heavy water from normal. Equipment, such as pH paper, allows player without high science skill to determine whether it is heavy water. I do not know where you would find those in Fallout world.
Player who goes without water will get malnutrition. Without water human will not survive. Therefore, the Player is actually drinking his own urine without filtering.
Some vendor also sells unpolluted water. Of course, they can sell you polluted water as well.
There is water filter that should ease the babysitting process. It allows player to filter heavy water, urine, and salt water. Water filter will eventually fail and need replacement. When player run out of fresh water, it will automatically start recycling urine. Player will get a world map popup when that starts. The water filter should be available early on in the game, because otherwise it can get tedious.
The player will need food to survive. There is a hunger stat, which decreases as the character moves about. Its maximum is derived from the player’s Endurance. Food in the inventory is consumed automatically when needed. The person playing the game only needs to worry about collecting enough food. A message will alert the person playing when the player start eating food in his inventory. Outdoorsman or some other number determines the actual amount of food needed to sustain life.
Vendors in town sell food at a limited quantity but constant supply. Most of the food that the vendors sell will rot within a month. This deters people from stocking up too much food. There may be icebox that let you preserve food for an extended period.
Starvation happens when player do not take in food for a few weeks. Player looses HP and temporarily looses stats. Malnutrition can also happen when player do not take the proper food. Nothing drastic happens in the short term for malnutrition. Long-term effects include permanent loose of stats. Neither First Aid nor Doctor should be able to cure starvation and malnutrition. Only proper diet can treat those.
A Perk (should be a quest-based Perk) should allow player to scavenge food from the wild. This scavenge Perk allows players to retain plants and animal remains for food. When you get the Perk, you will see an extra button on the looting screen. Scavenging animal remains require player to carry a knife. The knife is required to cut the animal. The players will also have the option of cannibalism. However, doing so will brand the player with “Cannibalism.” Some animals, plants, and people are poisonous or diseased. Players with sufficient Doctor Skill will be able to notice that.
We can incorporate water into the game as well. Water consumption will vary from time to time based on climate, weather, and player’s activity. Like eating food, drinking water is also automatic. Although, collecting water is mostly manual.
Player can get water from fresh water sources. However, there is heavy radioactive water everywhere. Player will take-in massive amount of radiation if he drinks heavy water. Player with high Science skill can tell heavy water from normal. Equipment, such as pH paper, allows player without high science skill to determine whether it is heavy water. I do not know where you would find those in Fallout world.
Player who goes without water will get malnutrition. Without water human will not survive. Therefore, the Player is actually drinking his own urine without filtering.
Some vendor also sells unpolluted water. Of course, they can sell you polluted water as well.
There is water filter that should ease the babysitting process. It allows player to filter heavy water, urine, and salt water. Water filter will eventually fail and need replacement. When player run out of fresh water, it will automatically start recycling urine. Player will get a world map popup when that starts. The water filter should be available early on in the game, because otherwise it can get tedious.