For all Citizens of the USA

citizenkhan said:
Also, only in part. Hitler's actual ascension to dictatorship was relatively complicated and comprised a lot more than just the abuse of one law. It included, amongst other things, forcibly excluding part of the elected members of parliament from voting.

Ziltoid, I agree with you that the ascension of a dictator in this country is highly unlikely. But unless we entertain the idea of that very thing, the approximately 150 million firearms in this country will be completely useless; we'll see them laid by, unloaded, while despotism slides into place. It's hard to predict what form a contemporary revolution would take, and equally hard to fathom what would ignite it. Our population has become so passive that the idea of revolution is laughable. If you think folks like Bush aren't overjoyed by that passivity, you've got another thing coming.

But wouldn't revolution be romantic? Almost as good as roaming the wasteland with a 12-guage and a gasmask.

The entire world wants to see the United States fail.

Letting a lobodomized president do it for them just makes the tea that much sweeter, as they didn't even have a hand in it.
DarkLegacy said:
Letting a lobodomized president do it for them just makes the tea that much sweeter, as they didn't even have a hand in it.

That's what YOU think!
All hail President Bush, neo-Soviet agent!
Martial Law signed into law... again

Holy crap, is this for real? Bush is undermining the martial law bill passed 1933. He's made it so that Congress can't even veto his authority and they have to answer directly to him.

It will be a scary country to live in if he declares a national emergency or allows us to be attacked. I'm neither a republican or a democrat, but this is something everyone should be worried about.
The population is to blame. The dumbfucks of our nation blindly choose Republican or Democrat based on the performance of the previous president. Just because Bill Clinton liked to get a little head, he was all of a sudden a horrible man and did horrible things to our country. We are a nation of retards, I swear.
My dad has already started collecting things of tangible value, such as silver bullions. He has also considered ordering high-powered semi-automatic rifles to replace the single pistol he owns. I mean, it sounds crazy, but my dad really fears that we may be entering a state of anarchy sometime within the next few decades, so it's better to at least be prepared.
If you follow the news of the economic and legally destructive path that the U.S. is traveling down, then you might be investing into tangible valuables soon, too.
I personally think everything will be okay, but I'm not going to count on it. If I ever muster up enough money for a Fallout shelter, I'm dead serious, I'm making one.
Makagulfazel said:
The population is to blame. The dumbfucks of our nation blindly choose Republican or Democrat based on the performance of the previous president. Just because Bill Clinton liked to get a little head, he was all of a sudden a horrible man and did horrible things to our country. We are a nation of retards, I swear.
My dad has already started collecting things of tangible value, such as silver bullions. He has also considered ordering high-powered semi-automatic rifles to replace the single pistol he owns. I mean, it sounds crazy, but my dad really fears that we may be entering a state of anarchy sometime within the next few decades, so it's better to at least be prepared.
If you follow the news of the economic and legally destructive path that the U.S. is traveling down, then you might be investing into tangible valuables soon, too.
I personally think everything will be okay, but I'm not going to count on it. If I ever muster up enough money for a Fallout shelter, I'm dead serious, I'm making one.

It was only a matter of time before Rome fell... Baring the painful similarities between the two I think your father may be over reacting... then again... who is to say with what we know today.

In my eyes, the more we let fear and hate into our lives the deeper down the rabbit hole we will go. Compassion over fear (Yes, im the guy that ALWAYS gets waxed in the movies).
xdarkyrex said:
hes practically asking for assassination, isnt he?

Nope, if he were saying things like, "In the final analysis, We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal."
"The sharpest criticism often goes hand in hand with the deepest idealism and love of country."
"Few will have the greatness to bend history; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation ... It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is thus shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."
"I have a dream."

Then he would be assassinated. Let justice reign or let the heavens fall... I get the feeling that the heavens have to come first with Mr. bush.
:P pre-emptive on my part.

although, in further reading, this issue is cleared up in other parts of the bill.

the only REAL issue is the fact that there is an appending note to it, thats secret and no one knows what it is, and likely will not know until the secret powers are invoked.

i bet ite the rught to kame ha me ha (sp?)
Sander said:
There is if you consider the history and constituents of the USA. There's no way anyone could become a dictator in the USA, unless things *drastically* changed.
The laws have been slowly snaking around the constitution, bypassing and undermining it. Americans hardly know the constitution or the bill of rights. Most cannot tell you the rights granted on the first amendment and the only one anyone can tell you with certainty is that the second amendment guarantees the "right to bear arms" but no more than that or even why that right exists. Things have drastically changed, the American mindset most of all. You'd be amazed how many people view the continued destruction of our checks and balances as a good thing and clamor for less freedom in the form of more "stability and security" which our government has repeatedly failed to offer, and in my opinion, can't offer in the sense the people continually demand.

Sander said:
I'm not saying this is a sure thing, but it's certainly a scary proposition.
Trying to establish a dictatorship in the USA is bound to fail, that just isn't going to work.[/quote] I'd love to believe that, you have no idea how much I would, but having seen the ignorance, fear, and disgustingly ignorant form of nationalism that plagues the people of the US, I cannot.
PhredBean said:
Sander said:
I'm not saying this is a sure thing, but it's certainly a scary proposition.
Trying to establish a dictatorship in the USA is bound to fail, that just isn't going to work.
I'd love to believe that, you have no idea how much I would, but having seen the ignorance, fear, and disgustingly ignorant form of nationalism that plagues the people of the US, I cannot.[/quote]

Not to mention, once you have the population full of fear, you have control. At that point, anything is possible. Well, we've got fear o plenty here in the US, be it from the government, terrorists, what have you.
This entire thread, and that video, is an over exaggeration.

Read the bill, people.
It gives him no such rights.
Only if you read it in excerpts, which is NOT how legislative bills should be read.
Isn't that how all bills are read under the current administration? They'll pick what part they want to enforce and forget about the others.
xdarkyrex said:
This entire thread, and that video, is an over exaggeration.

Read the bill, people.
It gives him no such rights.
Only if you read it in excerpts, which is NOT how legislative bills should be read.

I love you.

He's going to be gone in about a year, nothing he can actually do about it, and if he's not well we deserve a dictator to make us remember why we became a nation in the first place, and we'll need you Europeans to help us out.... please....
There is on seriously worrying issue of the bill though.

At the end is an annex that is added in, and its not classified, but it also hasn't been published yet, so it could be ANYTHING. Hell, it might not even be written yet!

And the weird part is, if the bill is passed, and there is a yet unwritten part at the bottom, if they write it LATER it still counts.

It's sort of a free ticket to do any one thing he wants. Don't dare and try to think he can abuse that power though, our country is already tense as it is, he'd be risking a civil war.
Bush is just paving the way for the next puppet president to do everything. If another massive terror attack happens soon,I wouldn't be suprised if the president declared martial law. Of course it's to protect us right,and make us all afraid of our own fucking shadows.
People are so damn afraid of terrorists and dieing that they willfully give up the freedom that our ancestors fought and died for. It's really sad. If the media or the government says something a majority of the population automatically believe it,and the people who question it are paranoid. It really pisses me off,but I guess there is nothing we can do.
TorontRayne said:
It really pisses me off,but I guess there is nothing we can do.

Don't you EVER say that... Not ever!

You fight each and every second of your life if you have to but don't you EVER give up like that.

There is ALWAYS something in you can do. Even if it seems so insignificant such as having a discussion with someone whom is not aware of the topic at hand. Your impact, your message, your idea can never be stopped. If that person walks way better understanding the situation they will tell another, and another, and another.

Change is never over night. Change in it self is fluid, a change you make tomorrow may be mutated into something else the next day.

It's up to you, me, its up to your loved ones, their friends, their colleagues to bring change. The only power that can take that away is you. Remember that the next time you ask yourself, "But, what can I do...?"

You are power, you are a force that the powers that be should fear. For without you, they have nothing. They cater to YOUR needs not visa versa. Thats something we have forgot about in the USA and thats something we desperately need to remember.
I would be curious if there's any possibility of the United States dissolving into its seperate States. Um, lol. That sounds terrible.

It would be the reverse of the solidifying EU? States like Washington or Idaho or Montana or whatever would be come independent, sovereign nation-states.

At least in the Northwest, we certainly have enough patriotism for our states, sometimes moreso than for the country in general.