By the way guys, I have a friend online who bought this garbage, and while he 'likes it' (9_9), it apparently makes him angry enough to throw shit around in reality.
I suppose that's the types of people who buy this shit in the first place, mindless drones willing to buy anything a developer throws at them.
If I wanted a fucking melee game, I'd buy Mount and Blade (oh wait, I already have it ;D), or Chivalry.
Fuck, the damage mechanics in Mount and blade are better anyway, AND THERE IS BOWS and shit.
Games like this make me genuinely sad.
Less options, shitty deisgns, no singleplayer worth mentioning, full price, antiquated multiplayer system since...What? 1990's? There's been dedicated servers for fucking centuries, made by what is basically EA, but with even more flat out lies, and finally its unbalanced as shit, even by fucking indie standards.
What POSSIBLE upside is there to this game?
The combat? Which takes about 40 seconds to master?
The graphics? Irrelevant because you'll be staring at 3 arrows for hours on end?
What am I missing?
This actually reminds me a lot of Fallout 4's game design planning.
1: Take a genre from a hat.
2: Make it dumber than games released 5+ years ago.
3: For good measure make the game useless if no one else plays it (No singleplayer)
4: Let the game die off.
5: Repeat.
Who is so fucking stupid to buy this crap? Titanfall 1 showed that a multiplayer only game which has no real replayability dies off within a year, fuck, evolve showed that too...
And yet I can find Left for Dead 2 games within a minute.
A couple years ago, I found AVP2 servers which were still populated! That's a game who's official servers were fucking shut down and its still being played!