Forging the Steel

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
A Broken Steel dev diary. Hurray.<blockquote>If we were to increase the level cap to 30, we first needed to figure out which factions we wanted to support the new cap. Super Mutants were one creature we knew we had to support. The decision was made to keep the Super Mutant Behemoth at the top, so we needed to fill the gap between the Behemoth and the Super Mutant Master. Thus was born the Super Mutant Overlord - a creature much stronger than a Super Mutant Master and one that is beginning to take on the shape and form of a Behemoth. Its posture is beginning to show signs of the Behemoth with its large, thick neck and slightly forward head. Given enough time, the Overlord would eventually grow to become a Behemoth.

To fill the gap for the Feral Ghouls we added the Feral Ghoul Reaver, which wears worn out armor, has special effects emitting from its body, and a new ranged attack, making it visually distinct from the normal Feral Ghouls as well as the Glowing One.

For the Rad Scorpion, we made the Albino Rad Scorpion - a formidable foe that roams the Wasteland, dealing out great amounts of damage, and is much more resistant to attacks than the Giant Rad Scorpion.

For the Enclave, we introduced a new elite fire-based ranged soldier who not only wears new fire-resistant armor, but also wields a new and powerful weapon, the Incinerator. The Incinerator is a powerful ranged fire attack that ignites its victims upon impact.</blockquote><center> </center>
I guess those.. roamer? ghouls weren't good enough, they say ghouls with armor like there weren't any in vanilla - even if they were weak...

reminds me of the level scaling in their last game
except now i guess they look a little different ;)

its not just a regular radscorpion that is a lot stronger! its a bigger stronger little bit differen't looking one! :P

looks like this transformer can float above the ground?
Ugh, you guys still haven't learned

The proper response is:

Rather pointless to make a bigger level cap when the skill point and leveling is absolutely unbalanced and half-assedly designed.
I predict ALL skills at 100 when you hit 30. A demi-god.

And the new enemies dont even sound that great, or LOOK that great.
More super mutants. More stupid bloodthirsty ghouls.
Can anyone explain why i should buy this useless, overpriced DLC with BoS that sounds like medival knights slaying dragons ?
Patton89 said:
Can anyone explain why i should buy this useless, overpriced DLC with BoS that sounds like medival knights slaying dragons ?

ITZ FUN!!11!!
Don't you guys think that irony is a bit overated?

Hmm... never mind, it's very satisfying anyway :mrgreen:
Who gives a shit about ground texture if there are big guns, explosions and flying things. Pure fun. 8-)
Wow, dis looks so MADSICKULAR-BADICAL!!!! Can't wait for the reviews to pour in so I can reap some more laughs. Also just a bit curious how insane ghouls manage to wear armor....was it on pre-insane or post lunatic? Also I want to see radroaches you can talk with (and give you quests) + if they had armor on as well that'd be swell. What about mole rat overlords? Also I want a nookulure Jet!! BOOM!!!!! *droppin boms n shit evreeware* strafing runs.....pls include. I likes ta roal play!
Fallout 3 is the first game I've played that is better without the official expansions or extra content.
Brother None said:
Ugh, you guys still haven't learned

The proper response is:


Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel had Albino Scorpions.

I remember them from my nightmares.
I bet if half this shit was in the first Fallout you guys wouldn't give a shit. Sometimes you guys take things too far. Yes, fallout 3 wasn't a great game, but that doesn't mean everything for it is shit.

The Overlords Look cool, and the Albino Scorpion sounds unique. The incinerator sounds very cool aswell.
Neolk said:
I bet if half this shit was in the first Fallout you guys wouldn't give a shit. Sometimes you guys take things too far. Yes, fallout 3 wasn't a great game, but that doesn't mean everything for it is shit.

The Overlords Look cool, and the Albino Scorpion sounds unique. The incinerator sounds very cool aswell.

I love post like these.

A-hem....back to the topic at hand.

Albino Scorpion. Fucking OG right there cause it is an ALBINO!
The Overlord should be renamed The Compromise based on how they describe coming to the conclusion to make it.

And Albino Radscorpion is unique? If this was a world that didn't already have radscorpions you might have a point. So they're white and deal slightly different damage.
Where's the uniqueness you speak of?

Incinerator? How does this differ from a flamethrower?

Tired, uninspired gimmicks.

Then again, this is America, a country whose greatest innovation in beer brewing is a fucking can that changes color when the beer is cold.
And here I was thinking we would get kill the Super Hyper Duper Behemothotontamatosus™, 2 kilometers high. It would also battle liberty prime (which, would be discovered, had a function to increase its size threefold)... O well, guess I won't be buying this so called expansion.
Cimmerian Nights said:
The Overlord should be renamed The Compromise based on how they describe coming to the conclusion to make it.

And Albino Radscorpion is unique? If this was a world that didn't already have radscorpions you might have a point. So they're white and deal slightly different damage.
Where's the uniqueness you speak of?

Incinerator? How does this differ from a flamethrower?
Why is it hard to imagine that Mutants mutate further? Behmoths obviously came from somewhere. It makes sense that Super Mutants that are exposed to more radiation but not enough, meet a further step. Besides, the models look nice.

The uniqueness is the concept. Besides, I doubt they are just gonna give the radscorpion a new texture, they are probably gonna include a new model, and if not, I concede to you. When was the last game you fought an albino enemy?

Besides, the incinerator looks like (from what I've seen) a heavy assault cannon with incendiary rounds. Just cause it aint unique doesn't mean it isn't going to be cool. Fallout had rifles, assault rifles, Gatling guns and such, standard action game fare. You can't expect them to always break the tried and true system. But its a nice step to add a new gun that acts different from all the ones that have been in the game.
Neolk said:
Why is it hard to imagine that Mutants mutate further? Behmoths obviously came from somewhere. It makes sense that Super Mutants that are exposed to more radiation but not enough, meet a further step. Besides, the models look nice.
The Overlords look good and make sense for Fallout 3 but still are connected to Fallout 3's super mutants, FEV, and all of the garbage surrounding it. Still, for Fallout 3, Overlords are good and they are definitely aesthetically more interesting.

Neolk said:
The uniqueness is the concept. Besides, I doubt they are just gonna give the radscorpion a new texture, they are probably gonna include a new model, and if not, I concede to you. When was the last game you fought an albino enemy?
I'll be surprised if the Albino Radscorpion model is radically different from the standard Radscorpion model but we'll have to wait and see for that. As far as it being Albino, I'll have you know that it's a genetic deficiency which results in such animals usually dying in the wild. That aside, it's a stupid idea as the differentiating factor which makes them more powerful than others of their species. All in all, it's just plain not that well thought out and they could have white Radscorpions without making them Albinos.

Neolk said:
Besides, the incinerator looks like (from what I've seen) a heavy assault cannon with incendiary rounds. Just cause it aint unique doesn't mean it isn't going to be cool. Fallout had rifles, assault rifles, Gatling guns and such, standard action game fare. You can't expect them to always break the tried and true system. But its a nice step to add a new gun that acts different from all the ones that have been in the game.
Maybe on Bizzaro World but not where we live, where we live they are just bigger, badder flamethrowers. That said, I think that they look a lot better than Fallout 3's flamethrower and it's Burnmaster. Course, it isn't the original Fallout Flamethrower, but it's a step in the right direction, though on the big side and I'm still not overly fond of the nozzle (?).