"Found all Special Encounters" Bug - FIX (Untested


First time out of the vault
So, you all probably know (unlike me) what happens when you're farming Special Encounters [SE] and racking up two-three of them in the same square, and so on. Well, you get to around 30, then suddenly, next time you enter a SE tile, your computer explodes, your house burns down and your entire family is horribly maimed for life, said maiming being hereditary, to the great shame of your progeny. This is, obviously, quite frustrating. Especially when you spend 20 minutes repeating the action just to make sure there really is something wrong.

Well, this happened to me (in case you didn't figure yet), and so I went looking for the answer. I think I spent an hour and a half searching the interblag for an answer, to no avail - so if there _is_ a thread about this, I'm going to feel very, very silly.

Anyhewts, sick of searching, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Now, this solution _seems_ to work for me, but I haven't tested it properly, so if anyone is willing to do that, that'd be swell. Also, I'm running the latest version - 1.27 or something? - and I've added the hi.res. patch, and the missing inventory patch.

Now, you're going to need a file archiver for this - I recommend 7zip, because it's awesome, and so am I - as well as the Fallout Tactics Editor (I'm of the belief this should already be installed on your computer with the 1.27 patch).

This is all very, very simple, but as a precaution do take backups of any files you're meddling with, and remember where they go. And if you are at any time unsure about what you're doing, backup your saves as well - just in case there's a butterfly in Japan and you have to do a re-install.


Let's begin:

Go to your Fallout Tactics folder and, with your archiver, open the file "/core/Mis-Main_0.bos" and extract the file "/campaigns/bos.cam" to a folder of your liking.

Now do the same with the file "/core/entities_0.bos" and extract the file "/tables/campaign.txt".

Open "campaign.txt" in a simple text editor - here I prefer TextPad, but NotePad will do just fine - and search for the line:
Then, on the line beneath it insert:
Save the file, and copy it to the folder "/core/tables/" in your FOT directory.

Now copy the file "bos.cam" to the folder "/core/campaigns/".

Fire up your editor, accepting the long-winded (I'm one to talk) license agreement or wossname, and on the main menu enter the "Campaign Editor".

Click on "File\Open" and choose "bos.cam". The normal campaign map should load.

Now choose the "Special" tab - it's up there at the top. The map should turn green.

Click on "Tools\Import Special" and choose the file "campaign.txt". A list of missions should pop up on the left side of the screen.

Pick "mission_name_Z28", make sure the placement tool is set to one tile (see the three numbers up there next to the tabs? Change all three of them to "1"), and place it somewhere on the map where you're unlikely to go (I put it in the upper right corner). The tile should go red, and have the number "100" in it.

Save and exit.

That's it. You should be done. Start your game and load your last save.


Now, I'd like to remind you that I haven't tested this properly, so I have no idea what it'll do to a new game, nor do I know if this works 100%. In other words: Let me know if fecal matter hits the device meant to create flow in gasses, and I'll laugh scornfully at you until I meet any problems myself, then possibly try to fix it.

And if anyone has anything to add, then please do so. Me, I'm off to see if I can tackle the problem of the constant harassment of Random Encounters.

Oh, and I apologize for any bad grammar and the mutilation of the comma.


EDIT 2010-04-27

Found a quick fix for those of you who are pestered by an insane amount of Random Encounters [RE] (these are just the normal ones, not the Special ones).

Be aware that the names used in the editor, for RE, contain trace amounts of Spoiler, unlike the ones used for SE.

Basically what I did was just open up the map same as I did in the solution for the SE up above, chose the "Random" tab or wossname, set the tile tool to very large (like 100;100;1) and proceeded to remove (right click) the various RE I wasn't interested in anymore. Bit of a hassle, but no more so than the solution above.

Be aware however that this will permanently remove the RE you delete from the game, and this can possibly have unforeseen consequences. Also, I haven't tried undoing my changes by removing the modified "bos.cam" file, so don't know if that works either.

And again, I haven't done any other testing than on my own playthru (as of writing I'm about halfway through; been using this fix for couple of hours), so I can't guarantee that it'll work.

Thanks so much for the research you put into solving this! I'm 4 years into Fallout Tactics, playing it on Hardcore or whatever it is that disables saves (yeah, I only come back to it every 3-4 months when I've built up enough endurance for the game and it's horrifying crashes after 10+ hours without being able to save). And being 4 years in, I'm getting further down the mission list and popping some of the last few special encounters.

What I do *not* want to have happen is to spend an entire day or weekend on some mission, unable to save, and then pop the Random Encounter #30 OF DEATH on the way back to base!

That would be maddening. I'll give this a try the next time I build up the endurance.
A better placement for the SE would be in the water, I think Redux fixed this by doing exactly what you have done, it's been tested before and it does fix this problem.

Gamelore you may need to restart for the changes to take effect, play with many saves to be safe just in case I'm correct, modding your game while doing a play through can be tricky. ;)
For the record, the solution proposed by noregsson does not work. This is why I included a file called "crashfix.cam" in the older version of Fallout Tactics Redux. I saw this post linked from some other forum, and we don't want to give out incorrect information to foreigners.

The game will attempt to initiate a special encounter whenever the following two conditions are true:
1) The player is in map square flagged as Special Encounter enabled, and
2) A random chance for a random encounter succeeds.

The only way to limit this bug to insignificance is to limit the number of accessible map squares flagged as Special Encounter enabled to a number far less than the total number of potential Special Encounters. This requires putting some flagged squares in the lake, where the player can never reach them. As the game will initiate multiple Special Encounters per flagged square, players don't miss anything.