[FOUND!]Looking desperately 4 a fan submitted matte painting


First time out of the vault
[...] posted some time ago.
I'm pretty sure it was on the NMA forums...

It was a matte painting quite similar in terms of color of Defonten's "And a river runs through it" matte painting (the one with the tornado).
But the view angle was a bottom-up view from a street among a downtown area of a big city (just imagine you're at the feet of the Empire State Building and looking upwards), with huge building partly destroyed.
There were cables or wires between two of the buildings, very high.

I've crawled this forum, and the fan art gallery, but I can't find it.
I'm pretty sure it was posted in these forums, but in case it was not, I'm pretty sure someone else saw it on the original website ...

If it rings a bell, please paste the url :)

PS: I know I already posted this inside a reply on the topic related to Defonten's "city ruins" matte painting, but I think it would be more efficient to have it as a new thread
Ok, I've been also crawling and "site: googling" the boards and those of DAC, and here the closest element I found (concept art for Van Buren) :


(Source : NMA Van Buren Gallery, http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/album_page.php?pic_id=636 )

Ok, here we go from there : Keep the lighting, the colors, the overall design of the buildings (keep the dandling "wires") and most importantly, keep the angle of view.
Now, just imagine you're currently looking at some guy on the ground, behind the first building on the left, and thus, hidden by the building structure.

Ok, so the drawing/painting I saw and I'm looking for, is exactly, the viewpoint of this guy, looking in *YOUR* direction, somehow.
It's the closest as it gets...

I thought I would make a rough sketch of the drawing, but I'm not that good at drawing, and would surely f*** up the perspective.
But my above description really depicts the look and feel of this painting I'm looking for (ok, it requires a bit of imagination, and a good 3D space handling).

So, if it rings a bell to anyone ...
Thanks :)
I know, upping a quite dead topic is very naughty of me ... but I felt that somehow it would ring a bell to new people here or may'be that someone had the opportunity to see it too since my last post ...

It truly is a gorgeous drawing/painting ... :(
Going from your description, I think this is the picture you are looking for:

It was originally posted here, but since that picture is no longer hosted, I took the liberty of doing so.

All credits go to Defonten ofcourse.
Oh the intense joy quickly followed by an intense sadness :(

You actually read my first post too quickly :
It was a matte painting quite similar in terms of color of Defonten's "And a river runs through it" matte painting (the one with the tornado).
But [...]

The closest description I can give is in the second post... especially about the viewing angle ...
Celluloid said:
Oh the intense joy quickly followed by an intense sadness :(

You actually read my first post too quickly :
It was a matte painting quite similar in terms of color of Defonten's "And a river runs through it" matte painting (the one with the tornado).
But [...]

Ah yeah... sorry, my bad...
Oh boy. OH BOY !!!
I've found it !

And completely by chance !
Actually, I think I found this painting/drawing today the exact same way I had found it more than a year ago, by searching google image for "zero zone" ( an old arcade game ).

And tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :

Title : "Wrecked Zero Zone buildings following a Jinsei bombardment. "

Found on this page : http://k5pbem.devermore.net/pictures/PBEMgallery.html which seems to be a page with several pics related to a sort of play-by-email RPG ( not sure ).

The section on this page where the image is linked is "Places / The Neo York Zero Law Enforcement Zone" .
There are other nice ones, like :


Title : "More destroyed Zero Zone buildings."
A few nice post-apoc looking pics and industrial junk photos.

I'm not sure actually who's the author ... Is it the guy maintaining the page, or any of the game players ?
Or was it scavenged from somewhere else ?

I don't know and I don't care. For now :)
Because I'm just happy I've found it :D

Edit: removed hotlinks.