FPS RPG games and games similar to Fallout 1/2 and star control 2.


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
I'm looking for more games that are FPS RPG hybrids, actual hybrids. IE more stuff like Fallout: NV, deus ex, TES 2 and 3, and System Shock 2.

I'm also looking for science fiction RPGs that are based on exploration like the original two fallouts, and especially Star Control 2.

Anybody know any games similar to the things I want today?
EYE Divine Cybermancy and STALKER are janky as fuck, but fit the bill

Kingdom Come Deliverance is an hardcore first-person open world RPG, but doesn't have guns in it so technically doesn't classify for the S in FPS

The Outer Worlds fits the bill, but is total trash

Dishonored is slightly RPGish

Metro Exodus isn't an RPG, but it's sci-fi and has a lot of exploration going on

Borderlands, Dead Island and Dying Light are RPGs so long as we accept the definition of RPG where it includes any games with stats progression :seriouslyno:

Prey maybe? Idk though