Francis in Broken Hills hates me for no reason.


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
You know the guy in Broken Hills who you armwrestle for his Power Fist? He hates my guts.

Even if literally the first thing I do in Broken Hills is to go to the saloon and talk to him, all he will ever say is "I've heard about you. I don't associate with scum." and I've got no option besides exit dialogue. This means I can't get the 'fist or expose him as the one who killed all the people. This has happened on all of my characters since the RP v2.3.3, at first I thought it was because I blew up the Gecko plant, but now it also happened with a goodie two shoes character who hasn't ever hurt a fly and has good standing in Broken Hills. I'm using the RP and F2WR.

Has anyone else experienced this? I'm inclined to crack open his script and have a look at why he's become so ornery.

EDIT: It's because he only talks to characters who are Liked in Broken Hills. Here is a version of his script where he will talk to you if you're Neutral or above.
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That's [probably] not for no reason. Your character's reputation has preceded them. (I would expect others besides Francis to react in the same way.)

Check your karma/reputation.

*Unless this is a faulty mod side effect.
That's [probably] not for no reason. Your character's reputation has preceded them. (I would expect others besides Francis to react in the same way.)

Check your karma/reputation.

*Unless this is a faulty mod side effect.
Ahhh nope, it's only town reputation - in his script the "scum" line has the following condition:
if (global_var(TOWN_REP_VAR) < 5)
which means you have to be Liked or Idolized in Broken Hills for his mighty self to even acknowledge your presence, being Accepted or below will not work. There is a comment from killap on that line, I wonder if the requirement was 5 originally or he changed it.

I did a couple of quests and became Liked, and sure enough, he became friendly. It sort of makes sense, as Francis is in fact an evil, self-glorifying bastard, but I think "scum" is a little over the top, so I'm going to go ahead and change it to 3 so you must be at least Neutral for him to talk to you. This will also allow stupid characters to talk to him (he does have stupid-specific dialogue), since they can normally never become Liked in Broken Hills without Mentats.

Oddly enough, shoveling brahmin crap will actually lower you from Neutral to Antipathy (or perhaps not so odd, since it makes you smell!) while preaching sense to Mason in the prison is enough to make you Accepted.
There is a comment from killap on that line, I wonder if the requirement was 5 originally or he changed it.
Yes, the requirement is intended to be 5. The line from the official script included in the mapper is:
if (TOWN_REP_VAR < 5) then begin
killap only fixed the condition to make Francis be able to say the "scum" line.
Gotcha. I still think it should be 3 or 4. He's not supposed to be an aristocrat, and there's also the issue with stupid characters.
I've had that happen to me with Francis, as well. I never knew that was the reason why. I thought it might have been when I was a semi rat bastard sort of character with negative karma, even though I have the cult of personality perk.
As far as I can tell he doesn't care one widdlywong about your karma, CH or initial reaction, it's only the Broken Hills town rep that matters.

I've uploaded a version of his script where it's enough to be Neutral, see the edit on the first post.
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I agree that the line the written was unjustified, but I liked the restoration anyway, so I made an edit to Francis's dialogue file so that instead of saying "I've heard about you. I don't associate with scum." he'll say "I'm busy, piss off."

Here's the download.

Have fun!