French Fry Killer

Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude

Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Some odd news....
September 13, 2004 (Chicago) — A 19-year-old Chicago woman has been charged with murder for allegedly stabbing her cousin to death during a quarrel over a 99-cent box of French fries.
Police say Antoinette Jenkins and her cousin Antoine Jenkins, also 19, had visited a White Castle hamburger restaurant on the West side early yesterday morning and were on the street near their home when they began fighting over the box of fries. They say Antoinette took a knife and stabbed her cousin once in his heart.

She was arrested later in the day at a hotel, and police said they found bags from White Castle in her room.
These americans are insane, first they kill each other over french fries and then they all chose the almost exact same name.
I dear say we could find a few insane people from your country Snake, should we judge your entire country on the actions of one or two individuals?

Not too long ago there was the 11 year-old girl in Japan who murdered her classmate with a knife. Does that mean that every prepubescent Japanese girl is a murderer?
I said THESE Americans.
On second thought, have you ever heard of a swedish stabbing his cousin over some fries?
Really now Malkavian, so we had a single argument. I don't feel that we are now arch-rivals, and that I have to take every chance possible to hurl insults; why do you?

If you still really have to insult me, confine it to private messages or IM me. Don't derail threads on my account.

Don't respond, at least in this thread. Let's get things a tad closer to the topic at hand, shall we?
Ive heard White Casle is disgusting...and considering the food is addictive enough to make you kill for it Im NEVER going to eat it.

The Vault Dweller
Couldnt you put the sincerely part in your sig? This way you dont have to write it in every post you make.
I know it's kind of messed up, but people like that are doomed anyway. At least it was only one person, and it was a family member. It could have been a building full of kids... '

Never had White Castle though, so I can't whole-heartedly back my comment.
Commissar Lauren said:
Sweden Sucks!

Commissar Lauren, Sweden is an ancient temple of sacred relics on Terra. It certainly does not "suck", as it is the final resting place of some of the finest treasures captured by the Emperor during his most holy First Crusade.

Yet again, I am shocked by your ignorance in Mankind's glorious History. Beware the wrath of the Exterminatus.

Only in the decadent, heretic and bloated world known as "White Castle" would fat people corrupted by the luring disease of Nurgle fight over basic nutritives. I shall request the might of the Legiones Astartes to cleanse this horror.