Frog Ninja

Ghetto Goose

It Wandered In From the Wastes
A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle-esque Frog Ninja.


Whoa, like totally cool. Somebody actually posted on the fanfic forum.
Wooz69 said:
Somebody actually posted on the fanfic forum.
Obviously whoever is in charge of this forum isn't doing their job properly.
You should sack them.

Nice, but not really that froglike, or indeed that Ninja-like.
The frogs I've seen usually have flat heads, triangular as well. Why the cone-head? Not to mention the face... if you hadn't pointed out it was a frog, I never would have guessed.

Not to say it's bad, it just brings "alien" to mind rather than "mutant frog ninja."
try working on the folds in fabric to add a realistic touch. it makes a big difference. you suffer from a severe case of stoic pose, which in english translates to the lack of fluidity in the body. make him move. otherwise nicely done

sorry for posting again: check your "art stufs" post for an example of what i mean by getting rid of the stoic pose syndrome. =]
