I looked into this, and found the code routine that calculates rank. Paraphrasing from my notes:Not a FTSE specific issue, but why did Farsight promote to senior initiate while my main character and Stitch are still initiates. Both Stitch and Farsight have 5 charisma. Does Farsight have more initial "missionscom" value? This is important for the above reason. I thought maybe kill counts slightly affected promotions but I did all my killing with my main character. Maybe some raiders in Brahmin Wood are bugged and will reduce your missionscom if you kill them? Or are promotions handed out randomly between team members every mission? Sometimes I can disband Farsight after Brahmin Wood without getting the bug, ergo sometimes she isn't outranking me after Brahmin Wood, but unfortunately I haven't properly confirmed that (didn't know promotion was tied to that bug when it didn't happen).
For the main character, you get "half of a rank" for each of the following:
* Completing a "mission" (this is the "missionscom" field in the save / editor). Note that this is incremented for more than just triggering exit on a map. It looks like even unlocking bunker maps, and side mission objectives, can increment this too. (Specifically, completing mission 1 gives one point for finishing the mission, and one point for unlocking Bunker Alpha.)
* One half of a rank for every 2 Charisma
* One half of a rank for every 300 reputation. (Negative reputations will subtract half a rank every 300 points as well.)
* +2 halves of a rank for every instance of the Brown Noser perk
Once this value is determined, subtract one, and divide by 2 (rounding down). This will assign rank from 1 (Initiate) to 13 (General). Values above 13 or below 1 are capped to the max/min ranks.
Net result: Because the player rank calculation starts at a "rank" of zero (actually negative one-half due to the subtraction in the final calaculation), you need 5 "half ranks" in order to get from Initiate to Senior Initiate ( 5 - 1 = 4, and 4 / 2 = 2). A low Charisma character (below 6), or one that received a lot of negative reputation in the first mission, may not get promoted.
For side characters, the calculation is simpler. Rank is equal to (base rank + Brown Noser perks), + 1/2 of missionscom value (rounded down). Charisma does not matter, but base rank as assigned in the Entity Editor does. The big difference for squad members is that, for every "completed mission", every squad member has only a 25% chance to gain one point of missionscom. So it is entirely random whether or not recruits eventually gain ranks.
In the case of Farsight, base rank is Initiate (1), and there's a 25% chance for each of the two missionscom increments that she will gain half a rank. So if both of these happen to trigger, then she will rank up after arriving at the first bunker. I would assume the same applies to Stitch as well.