I just had a conversationg with one girl on FB, about games and...nerds, after I posted her this image
Her:Hehe!!! Wow we are NERDS
Her:just that we love computer games so much, that reality is crap in comparison lol
Me:It doesn't mean we're nerds :/
Her: your in denial your a nerd?
Me:I wasn't even good at school
I loved games, I am a gamer (not much right now, because nowadays games suck and I've lost my need to play more).
I don't know why you're comparing gamers to nerds :/ That is insulting...
Heroooooooo i see. Well i was good at school, kinda.........lol and i love the computer games!
Me:What kind of games you were playing?
Her:anything....Wii, Ds, Ps2, sims on the computer, other computer games..................
Wii, Ds, Ps2 are not computers :] they are consoles.
Me:Sims are one of the worst computer games True computer games are like: RPGs, Strategies, FPSs- most of those you can't play on consoles.
Consoles were built for masses ^^ I had a Playstation too, and a computer. On the consoles sometimes it's better to play some games, like fighters, racing games, those which give you fun etc, but on computer you can play some serious games like cRPGs (computer Role Playing Games), where you can read a lot, to understand the story and the game itself.
Uhh, wonder when those games will come back
Her:I hate Rpgs, too much reading and blah blah! I like driving games, but I get too angry hehe. Like when I kick Selina's ass on Mario Kart.
Oh and i like tetris obviously
Me:So you love console games not computer games
You should better think more about what you say
RPGs are one of the best games in the history don't forget about it. I'm not telling you to play them, just have more respect, m'kay
Even, after so many years (30-10) people still play them, enjoy them and respect them as for the part of their childhood.
I've learned some of my English from RPGs
Fun games are cool, I like them too, but it's too many of them on the market. Too much "shooting", "racing", "fighting", and "nice graphics" nothing that will make you think, or go deeper into the story. Nothing creative and atmospheric. Today's games are cheap, and easy to do, just to get quick cash from the masses.
I can play tetris on my phone while I'm sitting on the toilet, coz it's old and easy like for young childern
Her:Yep thats what I like about tetris hehe! I don't dislike all RPGs, just some are tedious and long to get through. And I do love computer games, just I haven't found any recently that are any good.
So what is your favourite game at the moment?
Me:So you love computer games, but you haven't found any which you would like?
I don't play any at the moment, but I played a lot good ones when I was younger.