FYI, Version 4 of Sawyers mod is out today


It Wandered In From the Wastes

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
JSawyer.esp - v4
Yeah, I don't have a good excuse for why it took me this long to update the JSawyer mod. But the outage gave me a nice chunk of time to fix up a few things. Updating the mod should not conflict with your current save games, but what do I know?

As always, it is located here:

v4 Changes:
* Added regular Hatchet to I Never Axed For This challenge + perk.
* Fixed critical hit chance on Certified Tech perk.
* Tin Cans and Bent Tin Cans weight from 1.0 to 0.1.

* Tribal Pack items moved to a *~ Secret Location ~* (see End of Document)
* Caravan Pack items moved to a *~ Secret Location ~*
* Old CS scripts adding items to Chet's invetory have had those lines commented out.
* New (single) message indicates items are placed around the Mojave Wasteland.
* I Never Axed For This challenge and perk added.

* Classic Pack items moved to a *~ Secret Location ~*
* Mercenary Pack items moved to a *~ Secret Location ~*

* Level cap properly set to 15, adjusts up to 35 with all DLC. This was stealth fixed for v3 a day after launch, but there you go.
* Auto-Inject Stimpaks and Super Stimpaks set to match Stimpak / Super Stim healing rates.
* Expired Stimpak set to 50 VAL from 75.
* Set the Roughin' It! Bedroll Kit ingestible to 10 lbs. from 15
I still need to get Lonesome Road to play his mod. Does he have a version that doesn't need Courier's Stash?
Currently playing an int 3 playthrough and the the max level of 35 is gonna bite due to lack of skillpoints.
the super slow XP rate is actually the most challenging aspect of the overhaul IMO, combat is tougher sure, you are alot more fragile. If you are not in armor and in a firefight you will die a alot BUT if you get the jump on people you can still score alot of 1 shot kills. the lack of skill points however is a big big challenge and a constant one. When you get to Vegas and your still level 4 you just dont have the skill points to be opening locks, or have access to high level perks. It definately makes you re-evaluate things. Do you risk specilizing in ulitlity like Repair and Lockpicking but have the combat ability of a declawed kitten? or go for a big stealth and E-Weapon score but have to pass over all the goodies along the road. Food for thought
Yup, probably highest skill this character will have is 75. You need an int of 4 for all the skillpoint related perks so a lot of reliance on using skill mags, quite fun to actually use those again and due to this mods raised damage drugs are very handy.