G-Mail invites.


Lived Through the Heat Death
So, is anyone on G-Mail?

Does anyone have an invite they'd like to send me? :D

I'm pretty excited about this.

For those of you who aren't "in the know" - www.gmail.com
sure hope for you guys they removed all the shit they promised

if not: welcome to spywareplaza
I'll send you an invite. I have three left (anyone else want one, PM me). Be sure to check out your spam box, though, since most invites end up there.

PS: Give me your mail-address. Any mail-address.
yeah heard of that... but... i'm kinda asking me where they have the server for this... I mean... let's say one million people decide to go gmail... and half of them fill the whole thing...
that makes 500petabyte data storage... or am I wrong?
Who gives a shit about G-Mail? When was the last time you had 1 GB of mail in your mailbox? For that matter, when was the last time you had more than 5 MB? :roll:
Ratty said:
Who gives a shit about G-Mail? When was the last time you had 1 GB of mail in your mailbox? For that matter, when was the last time you had more than 5 MB? :roll:

I get 5mb email all the time. Profs send out their powerpoint lecture notes before lecture, which we can print off and evaluate them ahead of time.

Consequently, my Penn State provided 200mb account fills up in about 3 months, and is a real pain in the ass to empty. 1gb would be great!
my profs send me a good amount of stuff, and its nowhere near that many MB total!

Delete old crap, and no one needs 1 gig. Besides, ads direct toward emails? *raises eyebrow*
Okay, stop PMing me, people. ('cept Malky, since he was the first). I should've known better. I don't have infinite invites. ;)
MadDog -[TO said:
-]my profs send me a good amount of stuff, and its nowhere near that many MB total!

Delete old crap, and no one needs 1 gig. Besides, ads direct toward emails? *raises eyebrow*

I do, but its a pain in the ass to cull the chaff from the wheat!

I got one of Sander's invites (unzips Sander :lol: ), I'll share with the group my experiences with ads, but I envision them being no more intrusive than banner ads.
The ads are nothing more than the ads you see at the side of google. If you object to the privacy being violated (which isn't, since google guarantees everything is being done on an automated keyword search, and no data is ever saved), you should stop using google as well.
Murdoch said:
I get 5mb email all the time. Profs send out their powerpoint lecture notes before lecture, which we can print off and evaluate them ahead of time.
What? Are those professors of yours too much of dumbasses to simply upload the lectures to the 'net? If one of my professors sent me a 1 MB PowerPoint presentation, I'd kick him in the nuts, rip out his liver and make the bastard eat it raw.

And what's with this "evaluate them ahead of time" nonsense? If your professor is such a lazy fuckwit that he has you, the students, learn the entire subject-matter prior to his nonsensical, unmotivated drivel that he feebly attempts to pass for a "lecture", then your should take the lazy, inept bastard to the toilet and make him eat his own shit. Maybe the treatment of shoving human excrements down his throat will revive those few neurons in his stupid brain that still haven't been rendered defective by consuming hectoliters of coffee and experienceing multiple orgasms in the process of receiving a blowjob from the Dean's secretary and that dumbass bitch who can't tell subject matter from her asshole but still manages to pass the exam with flying colours.
Ratty said:
And what's with this "evaluate them ahead of time" nonsense? If your professor is such a lazy fuckwit that he has you, the students, learn the entire subject-matter prior to his nonsensical, unmotivated drivel that he feebly attempts to pass for a "lecture", then your should take the lazy, inept bastard to the toilet and make him eat his own shit. Maybe the treatment of shoving human excrements down his throat will revive those few neurons in his stupid brain that still haven't been rendered defective by consuming hectoliters of coffee and experienceing multiple orgasms in the process of receiving a blowjob from the Dean's secretary and that dumbass bitch who can't tell subject matter from her asshole but still manages to pass the exam with flying colours.


The particular class my statement most applies to was a five day a week 600 level course in molecular biology, biochemistry, physical chemistry and immunology. It was exceptionally difficult and very fast paced, if you didn't understand the basics of the lecture beforehand you wouldn't be able to keep up with the lecture notes presented in the expert manner they were.

In other words it wasn't some freshmen level stupid-fest where they teach you what a doorknob is. And I found it very nice that the profs would upload their lectures to your email; since I have to go there anyway, why waste time logging into the campus network when I can just get everything I need in one place?

And lazy fuckwits indeed, the course was taught by some of the most well-known profs at Penn State, they don't teach the useless undergrads, but only spend their time on grad students. [/high and mighty]
Murdoch said:
And lazy fuckwits indeed, the course was taught by some of the most well-known profs at Penn State, they don't teach the useless undergrads, but only spend their time on grad students. [/high and mighty]
Oh, pardon me, a lazy fuckwit who also happens to have a PhD and and an overinflated ego. If he didn't spend so much time jacking off to his own reflection in the mirror, maybe he would be able to deliver a lecture that isn't half-assed and boring.
Ratty said:
Oh, pardon me, a lazy fuckwit who also happens to have a PhD and and an overinflated ego. If he didn't spend so much time jacking off to his own reflection in the mirror, maybe he would be able to deliver a lecture that isn't half-assed and boring.

Anybody have any douche? Ratty's got some sand in his vagina.

Ok that was funny.

But ladies, ladies...I give you two options:

1. Stop this pissing contest.

2. Just whip them out and compare them. Don't forget to post pics. For the ladies, of course.
Yes, I dislike the elitism that you often see in college and university profs, because they're proud of their degrees. Like having "special" maths courses to those that feel the regular maths courses are "too easy". All those nerds getting better treatment (they get more academical points for those courses) is very depressing and harmful to your self-esteem (even though I attended one of those courses). And that snobby attitude they have when the teacher makes a pathetically lame "joke" that has to do with mathematics that everyone got, but that only nerds and suck-ups laugh at because they want to feel superior by saying "oh, you have to understand it to find it funny" (I got it, but my humor is more advanced than that bub).

What the educational sector needs is a good old touch of hardcore communism.

And indeed, when Revolutions come, those who attend more advanced courses and the swollen-up-by-their-own-ego profs who give them are the ones who get it.
Baboon said:
(they get more academical points for those courses)

Academical indeed :eyebrow:

Baboon said:
What the educational sector needs is a good old touch of hardcore communism.

And indeed, when Revolutions come, those who attend more advanced courses and the swollen-up-by-their-own-ego profs who give them are the ones who get it.


Hardcore communism you say? Because we all know that Communism breeds an environment that is conducive to academic discussion.

And I believe that when the revolution comes, it'll come out swinging from the universities, not at them.
Baboon said:
Like having "special" maths courses to those that feel the regular maths courses are "too easy". All those nerds getting better treatment (they get more academical points for those courses) is very depressing and harmful to your self-esteem (even though I attended one of those courses).
So, they should get the same "academical points" for a harder course?
Does that mean that the remedial classes should be worth just as much as the standard ones? It'd be unfair otherwise. ;)
Kharn said:
Pissing contest? I'm merely trying to make my buddy Murdoch here understand what a bunch of pretentious, incompetent sloths his professors are.

And what's with the "whip them out and compare them" remark? How the hell did you manage to derive a sexual undertone from what is clearly an academic discourse? You never cease to amaze me. But then again, we are Orderites, we can find a sexual undertone in anything.