G4TV Fallout: New Vegas quest walkthrough

Sam Ecorners

Vault Senior Citizen
Naturally, spoilers ahead.

<center><embed src="http://g4tv.com/lv3/49184" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="VideoPlayer" width="480" height="382" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true"></center>
Gotta say, I loved the securitron: "As a murderer, you should be feeling emotions such as guilt, sorrow and shame. If not, you may wish to consult a mental health professional" :hatersgonnahate:
I'm glad that none of the voice actors seem to be the typical Bethesda people that have been used since Morrowind.
I liked the two people with flamethrower. The scene looked so... alive... unlike in Fallout 3, where every NPC is either running or sitting around.
I think everything does feel rather more alive than F3, which is great. The interiors here look pretty good in particular. The voiceacting is great, only time it stumbles is when the old guy is talking to the Securitron where you have that old problem that, yeah... It doesn't feel like these people are *really* talking to one another.

Also, lulz at the floating gambler. Not a bug that I would personally care about if I ran across it but always great to have stuff like that in the promo videos. Good job on trying to cover it up there, whoever was playing.

I'm not sure how they did that, Fallout 3 didn't have a floating bug. Was one of the few bugs it didn't have.
Love how whoever is playing glances at the floating gambler before quickly looking the other way.
Well, we also have - at least - a man sitting on a lamp post.
Voice acting in that video was very good I thought. A vast improvement over FO3. Interesting quest as well.

Edit: lol I didn't notice the floating gambler at first.
Don't know about anyone else but that quest did not impress. :?

Probably more to it than shown in the walkthrough though.
Well it is worlds better then the vampires quest in fo3

Also the comment by the matrade at the end sounds like this quest can have long term post game impacts
I'm not terribly impressed myself with what is shown of the quest (though kinda reminds me of the whole Doc Morbid business a bit), but there appears to be a rather substantial amount cut out. We also don't know what solutions it will have.

It's also nice that there seems to be pre-requisites for having the quest open. Both having done stuff on the Strip beforehand and what appears to be a karma check? Not a fan karma checks, but the way he describes kinda makes sense in a way. That the questgiver would size you up and try to see if you're cold enough to commit such an act.

A simple but pretty good twist is having the victim be a douchebag like that so that you're tempted to, well... maybe not save the guy.

I think the most pleasant thing about the video was seeing the interiors as well as the voiceacting.
What's the time marker for the floating dude? I'm trying to covertly watch on a shitty work monitor.
I agree with the flamethrower guys - awesome. Atmospheric settings are, y'know, nice to have.