Game Informer takes questions

Well you could look at it cynically - the teaser was a minor thing - a 'teaser' - to appease the fans. The big details will be the stuff that pisses us off, revealed in the mags, and we'll be blacklisted. meh, maybe i'm just in a cynical mood. We'll know soon enough.
Four more days until we hopefully find out some good solid info about this game. I really hope it's 3rd person (isometric) and TB and SPECIAL based. Hoping! :)
So, if you're Game Informer subscribers, you can now get to see the answers and a video interview.

If you're not, you can go fuck yourselves.
Since none of us happen to pay for the privileged of having Game Informer dumped on our doorstep once a month, we obviously can't cover this. Even if we did, we couldn't copy the entire thing for the benefit of all those people without subscriptions, because we all know how that will turn out.
I doubt Bethsoft would trust several million GI subscribers with that much additional information, so I would guess that much of it would repeat what is in the article already. However, a few more tidbits could be very telling and useful for clarification. Also, it would be a more suitable place for answering the more obscure questions that might interest us.

Would it be risky if some subscribers shared a few bits of info with NMA? I don't know about legal stuff, but it would seem very strange if one could copyright vague information, as brief summaries and limited quoting should be alright. Freedom of information should be a right.
Mr. Teatime said:
Well you could look at it cynically - the teaser was a minor thing - a 'teaser' - to appease the fans. The big details will be the stuff that pisses us off, revealed in the mags, and we'll be blacklisted. meh, maybe i'm just in a cynical mood. We'll know soon enough.

Boy you sure fucking called it dead nuts! Spot on. Cynical? In hind sight I would just say you where prophetic. :)