Game recommendations?

I'm going to say something very unholy and say if you have a 360, then I suggest the original Halo trilogy for some quick action.
They are surprisingly okay even by todays standards and while most people here probably hate them for what they did to Console shooters, it's important to acknowledge how important they are to Consoles.

Now, to redeem myself, I suggest System Shock 2.
If you can play System Shock 1 than go for it, personally, I find the controls too old for my young mind to get adjusted to.
But SS2 is really good, play without music to add to the atmosphere.

Also Duke Nuken 3D is a classic, and the original Dooms of course (which if you buy from GOG, you get the first two Elder Scrolls games with them).

Also, if you have either an Original Xbox or a 360 (hell, even a dreamcast) and you can find it, I suggest Shenmue 2 (and if you have a dreamcast, I suggest the first game as well).
Very evolutionary game that still holds up today, even if the voice acting is very bad. Also the game to get Quick Time Events right. As the 3rd is being released next year on PS4 and PC, now's probably a good time to play them (think Yakuza in terms of Gameplay).
I'm going to say something very unholy and say if you have a 360, then I suggest the original Halo trilogy for some quick action.
They are surprisingly okay even by todays standards and while most people here probably hate them for what they did to Console shooters, it's important to acknowledge how important they are to Consoles.

Now, to redeem myself, I suggest System Shock 2.
If you can play System Shock 1 than go for it, personally, I find the controls too old for my young mind to get adjusted to.
But SS2 is really good, play without music to add to the atmosphere.

Also Duke Nuken 3D is a classic, and the original Dooms of course (which if you buy from GOG, you get the first two Elder Scrolls games with them).

Also, if you have either an Original Xbox or a 360 (hell, even a dreamcast) and you can find it, I suggest Shenmue 2 (and if you have a dreamcast, I suggest the first game as well).
Very evolutionary game that still holds up today, even if the voice acting is very bad. Also the game to get Quick Time Events right. As the 3rd is being released next year on PS4 and PC, now's probably a good time to play them (think Yakuza in terms of Gameplay).

Oh boy I love shock 2, one of the faves
I just though of some more.

Sleeping dogs. It's open world crime sandbox set in Hong Kong. The story is pretty good,and Hong Kong is a interesting location and feels different to standard New York/LA style cities you see in most games. The gameplay is what makes sleeping dogs different to games like gta/saints. Instead of shoot people randomly you have to focus on hand to hand martial arts(because guns are banned in China) and you don't get your hands on one till the third act of the game.

Assassin creed 4 black fag. This is my personal fave of the creed franchise it finally gets rid of the convoluted plots of the previous games, and instead focus on being a good pirate game. You don't even play as assassin, for the the most part your just a guy who wants to filthy rich,which is a huge breath of fresh air compared to previous "im getting revenge for my dead family member" protagonists. The sailing is by far the best part of the game, its really fun just sailing around listening to your crew sing shanties as you look for your next target.
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I agree. The first five or so games seemed to be building up to Desmond taking down the Templars present day. All that is thrown out the window with black flag.
Desmond was so fucking boring imo, I'd rather watch paint dry on a soggy turd then play another game with Desmond in it. I honestly respect Ubisoft for finally calling it quits on the Desmond story ,and actually experimenting and doing something new.

Also 2 is clearly the best in the series.:smug:
I like 2 as much as the next guy, but i still prefer black flag to be honest. There's just something therapeutic about getting in a cannon fight with a spainard fleet, while humming "what do you do with a drunken sailor", 2 simply doesn't give me that feeling, of pure child like wonder. Objectively speaking 2 is probably better but I still prefer flag because I'm fucking casual.

Tl:dr I have horrible taste in games.

I wasn't wrong Edward is awfully "close" to his black "sidekick":smug:
Idk about Ass Creed, seems like a lot of Ubi soft open world bollocks and I swore off playing those for awhile. (Though watch dogs 2 is good according to some people)

Also the total bastardization of the historical order of Assassins (a freedom fighting cult of stoned assassins :D) for some stupid ancient aliens plot bugs the hell out of me.
F.e.a.r 1-2
Grim Dawn if you like diablo clones. This is probably a top 3 one for me when it comes to that kind of games.
The cat lady + Downfall. TCL might be slow in the beginning but both games were awesome.
Firewatch. Loved the game BUT it is quite short.
The evil within if you liked Resident evil 4. It is far better in my opinion
Alan Wake is great aswell. Even if the combat can be a bit repetitive.
Outlast was pretty good. It's a horror game but it's pretty interesting and it doesn't rely sorely on jumpscares like others.