Well, judging from the tripe that has been movies lately, I guess a lot.
A lot?
Like maybe Painkiller, Quake (actually it'd be cool to see Stroggs in the live action movie), GTA, Oblivion

? Maybe Planescape:torment by Kevin Smith with the dialogue all the way?
Which games do you think they should consider?
I actually liked Resident Evil the movie.
Yeah, I liked the first one too. But the next two went into straight action, rather than trying to make it more like a horror flick.
Its kinda interesting that things around Boll have beomce pretty quiet lately since the gouvernement stoped any kind of money support to such projects.
On IMDB it shows he's working on some sequals: Bloodrayne 3 I think, Alone in the Dark 2 maybe, and something else...
Would have loved to see a Cyberdeamon from hell! Or even a short trips by the marines in to hell! Not this garbage they came up with. I dont know. I guess the director wanted somewhat his "own" flavour in the movie
It might have been a nice horror flick. People getting ripped apart and stuff.
Rob Zombie could direct it
But consider that there are many great movies based on books.
The first live action one. Is the CGI one any good? First time I hear of it.
The CGI one was called "Resident Evil: Degeneration". It's actually pretty cool, but animation sucks (I mean, it looks nice, but characters act very stiff and generic).
I think the story goes after the events in Resident Evil 2...or 3, not sure (I haven't played any RE games). There are some characters from the games too.
Super Mario Bros? I loved that movie when I was really little.
Me too.
I watched it a while ago, and I still think it's a nice movie though.
District 9 was supposed to be a Halo movie.
That's great! Now we'll get much better sci-fi flick without Halo on it.
It's written and directed by Doug TenNapel. Or was supposed to be, IMDB keeps quiet. Anyway, up until now, Doug hasn't failed me.
IMDB says he's gonna direct the Earthworm Jim movie
There's also Gore Verbinski (Pirates of the Caribbean series), who's signed for Bioshock movie...