Game wont run, I SHIT YOU NOT ("Fixed")


Still Mildly Glowing
Installed it, and NOW IT WONT RUN, got the CE of the game, auto run didn't take, so I went into the disk to install the game (didn't ask for a CD key btw) and then I restart my computer. Try to run it, try to auto run in, go into the cd and try to launch it, nothing.
Sounds like you have a problem with SecuRom. Go on the bethsoft forums and search for "Securom Patch", there's already one...
Thanks, couldn't find it. Talking to someone (not saying name because I don't want to get him in trouble potentially) at bethsoft, and he is giving me some pirating tips!?!?!? He said that if I was running (and I'm not, nor have I ever) a emulator cd drive I might get this issue. And that it's probably a licensing issue and/or anti piracy measure.
He recommended:

1) Uninstalling
2) Reinstalling
3) Running patch
4) Copy and paste new Exe file over old one
5) Send info to SecuROM
6) Wait for analysis
7) Hopefully SecuRom will get back to me soon
8) Wait for SecuROM to make a new patch

So I guess I wait 3-6 business YEARS and I'll be playing.

Oh and I exchanged the old disk at gamestop and my new disk case the picture outside the box was put in upside down. Wish I was making this all up for attention, but I'm not.

New disk also didn't ask me for CD key when reinstalling, old one didn't ask me for it either during first install. It's a new comp and I didn't put anything sketchy on it at all.
full email says:


Please follow the instructions below, sincerely sorry for the inconvenience.

This error occurs when there is a conflict with the copy protection for the program and some disk emulation software installed and active on your system. Please temporarily disable any CD drive emulation software (such as Alcohol 120%, CloneCD, Nero, Daemon Tools, etc), then install Fallout 3.

Installed virtual drives do not cause any problems, however, for a successful startup of a SecuROM encrypted application you must make sure that there is an original disc in your local physical CD/DVD-ROM drive. In addition please be aware that some emulation tools offer the feature to bypass copy control technologies (eg. RMPS). In order to launch a protected title successfully these options have to be disabled.

If you continue to get this error when trying to install or launch the game, please go to and download the Fallout 3 patch from Securom.

If you continue to get that error, and would like to find out what there is on your computer that keeps the copy-protected application from starting although there is an original disc in the drive, please follow the procedure below and submit the resulting AnalysisLog.sr0 file to

1. Place the original disc in a local physical CD/DVD-ROM drive.
2. Restart the computer.
3. Open My Computer for Vista, click the Windows button and click Computer).
4. Open the C: drive.
5. Open the Program Files folder.
6. Open the Bethesda folder.
7. Open the Fallout 3.
8. Right-click on the FalloutLauncher.exe file and choose "Launch Analysis".
9. A disclaimer window will appear.
10. To proceed, please click on the "Yes" button.
11. Go back to the C: drive and locate the AnalysisLog.sr0 file. Please email this file to

Your customer number is XXXXXXX
Please refer to case #:: XXXXXXX if you have any further questions.

If you need further assistance, you can also reach us online at or our technical support staff at (410)-568-3685. Please include all previous replies when/if responding to this message.

Best Regards,
Jake K. at Bethesda Softworks Technical Support
Yes I did explain that to them.

Maybe my xp version isn't legit? It's played Bioshock, Mass Effect, COD 4. Don't know why this game is giving me issues.
Ya, they saw me posting on these forums for last 5 months and then they found me and are probably framing me for pirating as we speak.

I'm going to go watch the "How they made it" DVD. Maybe that will give me some insight to this clusterfuck.
I'll echo Vipers comment, and hope that you get this worked out.

Nothing worse than dropping some hard earned $$ on a product, only to have it take a shit and get zero support from the jerks who made it.
WTS Making of Fallout 3 dvd.

Bethesda had a person to support me, they just don't have anything to fix it. Hope they don't just over look me.

Yalls sympathy means a lot. I have a crippling head ache over it now.
Still no word from securom, and I think I have the flu. Best day ever. Highly considering buying it for xbox 360, even though i built this computer specifically for FO3. I can't bring myself to do that...

You heard it here first, Fallout 3 gives you the flu.