Game wont run, I SHIT YOU NOT ("Fixed")

This reminds me of when my big bro got me Bioshock for my birthday. The game simply would not connect to do the autopatch thing it does. I couldn't play it for six months. Some firewall was disabling a shit ton of things but no one could figure it out. Internet access should not be required from a SP game.

By the way, hope you feel better humps.
TheRatKing said:
This reminds me of when my big bro got me Bioshock for my birthday. The game simply would not connect to do the autopatch thing it does. I couldn't play it for six months.
Sounds like the game was begging for returning it to store :P .
Yeah I had the PC version, but I got it working once we got some new internet thingymajig installed. I think the problem was in one of the routers, but I don't know shit about that sort of thing.
Ok, I "Fixed" it. Temporary fix at least, for all others that have this problem.

1) Downloaded the Patch and put it where I was supposed to (don't think I used the patch because all the patch is was a new Launcher and I didn't click on the launcher, but for the sake of doing exactly what i did, go ahead and do this step, it won't hurt anything.)
2) Take disk out of cd drive
3) Try to run the game through the Start-all programs-bethesda softworks-fallout 3-fallout 3
4) When asked to put CD back in and try it again.

Don't know why this works, or any reason to think it would work when trying it.

I'll share this info to Bethesda when I get an isometric few back.
Bethesda assured consumers that they would use the same copy protection that they used on Oblivion and wouldn't use DRM like SecuROM. Chalk up another one for Bethesda lying. That aside, you could try creating an ISO or a boot ISO (one that is just used to bypass the copy protection) and use something like Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools, enable their copy protection bypassing features (designed to trick SecuROM), and try running it through that.

Here's the interview I mentioned:

Sblade (last post in the thread) is pretty good for dealing with SecuROM, he talks himself up but he really has earned it. I suggest following the links he provided if you have a problem and, if interested on his take on SecuROM, read his post.
Does SecuRom still stop Nero from working? Or was that StarForce? Man, I hate that stuff.
Guess I'll set a system restore point before installing F3.
Yes. I do live in Germany but I preordered from Britain, so that's not an option for me.

I just remember that, after playing some Splinter Cell (no idea which sequel it was), Nero just refused to start. Reinstalling didn't work, either. That's the way to deal with paying customers!
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory used Starforce. Fallout 3 uses Securom. Both suck.

I'm a little anxious now that my order was processed ( thought for a while about cancelling it but I guess I'm just weak ). I ordered the UK version too.
you could also by-pass using a CD altogether and buy the game on Steam, download the content and run it solely off your hard drive.
I thought about that, who knows if that will even work though? And spending 50 more bucks on this game, no thanks. It is working in limited capacity just have to jump through hoops. What I am concerned about is that when I tried to patch it some weird message came up saying file does not exist or something like that. So what I am worried about it when I want the expansion will it not recognize my game?