Gameinformer snibblet about Fo3


Carbon Dated and Proud
I was informed earlier that the Oblivion article in Gameinformer would include a side"article" about Fallout 3, now it seems that Lady E from the Elder Scrolls forums have read this and given her (I assume) points on it:<blockquote>So the they have been thinking about Fallout! Following the Oblivion feature in Game Informer is an inset: Beyond Oblivion: the Fallout franchise goes next-gen. The mag is so console-oriented that I'm not sure how to interpret what they say about gameplay, but it sounds to me as though the mood will be much darker than what I've seen in Fallout 1, although they intend to preserve the "tongue-in-cheek humor" of the original. "Imagine a survival horror-esque version of the Fallout world." Apparantly your character has been living underground and will have to train his eyes not to be light sensitive. The game will be extremely violent.</blockquote>right...
Ok, this is just bad news.

What made the first two great was the option of choice.

Choice to avoid combat, if you so pleased.

Plus having to train your eyes ? That sounds, in a scary way, like training for skills in TES.

Bethesda's PR sucks. Someone despretly needs to replace Pete Hines.
Yeah. Survival-horroresqe? Sure, fallout is to a large degree about survival, and even horror over the state of mankind, but survival horroresque sounds like i'm going to play a fallout version of resident evil.

And as to the training of eyes, Awareness perk ?
and will have to train his eyes not to be light sensitive.
Beth, your missing something here. Riddick was just an easter egg in FOT, he is not a dominant character in the series and should not be.
Walking in some kind of tunels where there will be wery dark and scary :shock: so its seems that the main enemy will be rats and molerats hard beasties to kill :lol: Sounds like another doom game :!:
PsychoSniper said:
Bethesda's PR sucks. Someone despretly needs to replace Pete Hines.

i don't think Pete's the big problem, here. to me it's looking more and more like he's just trying to keep the lid on some plans for Fallout 3 that'll make the fanbase write it off as another FO:BoS.

either way, though, this is getting uncomfortably stupid.
*goes and bangs head in a brick wall*

okaaaaay, why? why are you doing this to us???? why do you hate us?? I know you're there Pete, just tell us WHY you're doing this to us!
Calm down people, we still don`t know what will happen for sure.

But this is damn good proof that they do have some ideas already in place, shame they`ve told us the oposite.
Briosafreak said:
But this is damn good proof that they do have some ideas already in place, shame they`ve told us the oposite.

That's true... I wonder what their good ideas are and why they never come out.
Thanks for the heads-up Mr. Teatime. Now, my first thought was, how credible is that information? I'll go and read that thing..

Well, I still don't know if that is official information from Bethesda or pulled out of the author's ass. You can't trust anyone.
The "most original and violent game" part sounds just plain idiotic. Fallout certainly was violent, but I just had to think of Hot Shots 2 when I read that. Hilarious. :roll:
I swear, I am now thinking I am not buying this unless I KNOW from many sources this is good. Sources I trust.. as in no one that works for Beth...

AAAH I don't think I can take it. Is this Fallout or something else?

I'm betting it is something else...

{breathes... breathes}

Alright, I'm going to try to calm down and remember, this is PR... Maybe... MAYBE it'll be... ok.

I hope.
The use of survival "horror" was REALLY bad. I always tought it would be interesting if the survival aspects of the fallouts were more developed (eating, drinking... could make outdoorsman more useful) but attaching the word HORROR there is just... well, horrendous. There were very few, if any, classical horror moments in fallout (ie.: no ghouls jumping in through windows), and not only that, it also lumps the game with some of the most atrocious beasts unleashed upon the gaming world by the 32 bit era.

But, i do agree with Brios some of you are going too far. Saying that "training your eyes to be less sensitive to sunlight" is a direct link to morrowind's skill system is a exageration, it could simply mean that you start the game with something akin to the "night person" perk....

Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
night person was a trait :wink: .
I knew it wasn't a perk, but couldn't remeber the word "trait", and anway. everyone seems to have got the point.
You do realize that you cant have isometric AND survival-horror in the same game. Also, "extremely violent" could mean nothing but shooting a molerat (assuming they included them) with a smg and having it blow into pieces. Just by saying the game is "survival-horror-esque" and "extremely violent" already shows the kind of fan-base they are trying to attract. (if my grammar is off a bit its because im REALLY sick right no)
Maybe they are stupid enough to search for words that we will like, they used gritty, didn't work, survival horror, didn't work, extremely violent, didn't work...I dunno, maybe...

what worries me most is that they keep saying that turn based combat and iso view was not all that made fallout fallout, BUT they also keep saying that the hard M rating with the "gritty sex'n drugs" was important...either they never played fallout(most likely) or they're just plain and simple stupid...wich, taken in considering might not be so unlikely either...