Gameinformer snibblet about Fo3

PsychoSniper said:
Ah, if they have you start with a nightperson perk, then it'd deffinatly fit in.

It was a Trait.

WHOAMG u dont know teh diferenss betwine trait and perk lolz omg FANOUT IS DOOOOMED!!!
Macaco said:
But, i do agree with Brios some of you are going too far. Saying that "training your eyes to be less sensitive to sunlight" is a direct link to morrowind's skill system is a exageration, it could simply mean that you start the game with something akin to the "night person" perk....

Or that your character is from vault 42.
Gonchi said:
Or that your character is from vault 42.
I don't believe they're going to make your character a vault dweller, maybe something like the ghost farm would be more probable. And why do you say vault 42? I don't remeber anything about this one, did it have an illumination "problem"?
why the hell would that be "pwnd"

psycho, less useless comments, more content

the people on this board thank you

As one might say in the vernacular.... Zing!

And by the Homosexual Pirate Captain Jebus of Homosexual Pirate Island(TM) no less!