Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I wonder if it will have elaborate "crate pushing" puzzles....
PsychoSniper said:Ah, if they have you start with a nightperson perk, then it'd deffinatly fit in.
Macaco said:But, i do agree with Brios some of you are going too far. Saying that "training your eyes to be less sensitive to sunlight" is a direct link to morrowind's skill system is a exageration, it could simply mean that you start the game with something akin to the "night person" perk....
I don't believe they're going to make your character a vault dweller, maybe something like the ghost farm would be more probable. And why do you say vault 42? I don't remeber anything about this one, did it have an illumination "problem"?Gonchi said:Or that your character is from vault 42.
Fallout Bible said:Vault 42: No light bulbs of more than 40 watts were provided.