Games Radar: Chunksplosions!


Vault Consort
Staff member
For people who cannot overdose on Fallout 3 articles, we have "11 ways Fallout 3 will kick Oblivion's ass" from Games Radar. As the name implies it lists several things that Fallout 3 does to Oblivion's ass. Sort of embedded in this list is the story of their hands-on, which isn't that interesting at this point.<blockquote>10. Nuclear catapults
In Oblivion, your projectile weapons were limited to simple bows and arrows of varying destructive capabilities. Oh, and magic spells, if you chose to become some kind of fruity wizard or whatever. Fallout 3, by contrast, gives you access to a broad variety of firearms, and the most impressive one we've seen is a handheld nuclear slingshot called the "Fat Man." Load up this baby, and you'll be able to launch tiny tactical nukes against your opponents, which produce huge explosions that you really don't want to stand too close to.

So, yeah: primitive bows and arrows versus shoulder-mounted atomic frigging catapults. We'd say Fallout 3 is the clear winner here.

11. Hats

THANK GOD.</blockquote>Nothing really new; the interesting thing as usual is how extremely dismissive the press now is towards Oblivion, which was awesome yesteryear.

Thanks to K.C. Cool.
Sad, very sad. FO3, the spiritual successor to Oblivion, and not Fallout, which is somehow a good thing. Every previewer is now touting this same line: "Well, it may look like Oblivion with guns, but it's better because of this!" Now Oblivion is bad, and FO3 good, because we get nuclear-catapults and hats. Excellent.
Now, the game is obviously not oblivion with guns! I mean, bloody mess is in it! The most important part of the fallout series it seems.
generalissimofurioso said:
Fallout 3 isn't Oblivion with guns.

Fallout 3 is Oblivion with hats!


Also... eerrr, yeah. The hype machine rolls on. This time next year, FO3 will have been one of the best-selling games of the year, and aaaalll the 'true fans' and wannabe bashers of this 'sequel' will come out of the woodwork and actually give honest criticism.

To which we'll say, "Where were YOU at contract time?" (Frisky Dingo reference.)

And the cycle of Beth tossing its audience aside like so much garbage will repeat once again, this time with Fallout 4! Won't that be fun?

I mean... we're having a blast with the newest batch of "BIG Fallout fans" (and who gives a half a rat's ass, I say, if you're a big fan or not? Gods bless ya for being here and trying to be reasonable) coming in and registering. Just imagine the oodles of joy that lie in store for us all when 1) FO3 is actually released, and 2) Bethsoft starts putting its new FO3 fans at arm's length with the "new and improved" Fallout 4-o-matic-o-tron.

Sorry, got a bit off topic....

Anyway, this little 'journalism' piece has me very low. To the point that I'm actually looking forward to the above-mentioned events.
Reading this article, got me wondering.
Did I discover bethesda's 'grey' area?

So you guys must understand that it is just super duper to have a school that appears to have been smoked by the blast of a major bomb, does anybody assume that the school was empty? doubtful.

meanwhile, you can run around and shoot off nukes obtaining no radiation damage? there are too many aspects of this whole damn thing, I am choosing just to point out what I think is a huge example of the unintelligent approach to game prod./ basic logic skills.

Incredibly these things make it past however many people that have worked on this, and still considered ok.

I think they owe me some money for repairs on my wall, which amazingly created a large hole in itself, just as I fnished watching trailers yesterday.

gamesradar said:
2. Better gore

The words you're searching for are "Oh," "hell" and "yes"

Trust me, those are not the words I was searching for. I think you may be too young to hear what I have to say.

gamesradar said:
Oh, and if you're determined to be some kind of lame-ass good guy, you can directly target weapons instead
gamesradar said:
4. More interesting places to discover
Ask yourself: When you're wandering through a virtual wilderness, do you relish the idea of stumbling onto interchangeable holes in the ground with names like "Anutwyll" and "Felgageldt Cave?" Or would you rather discover distinct, realistic locations that actually have a credible reason for being there?
Yes, yes, I would love to visit a dilapidated Super Duper Mart!

gamesradar said:
8. Better drugs
9. Better dogs
10. Nuclear catapults
11. Hats

You dumb fucks. :x
How can you kick a game's ass, that got 10/10 on all kinds of reviews?

Makes no sense. Unless....Fallout 3 reviews go to 11.....
or eleventeen

this article is plain stupid. i will not honor this with a translation! thanks for linking your very true rybicki article. nerd.
Moving Target said:
To which we'll say, "Where were YOU at contract time?" (Frisky Dingo reference.)

You just won my heart. Choppa choppa.

BunkerBud said:
meanwhile, you can run around and shoot off nukes obtaining no radiation damage?

For fuck's sake people, you do obtain radiation damage from the explosion! Bash the Fatman all you want, but stop saying it doesn't give off radiation.

gc051360 said:
Unless....Fallout 3 reviews go to 11.....

It's like, how much more good could this game be? And the answer is none. None more good.
$10 says that even though you exploded in a nukular blast and flew 20 meters up in the air, your hat will still be grafted to your head as you float your way down to ground again.

10. Nuclear catapults
In Oblivion, your projectile weapons were limited to simple bows and arrows of varying destructive capabilities. Oh, and magic spells, if you chose to become some kind of fruity wizard or whatever. Fallout 3, by contrast, gives you access to a broad variety of firearms, and the most impressive one we've seen is a handheld nuclear slingshot called the "Fat Man." Load up this baby, and you'll be able to launch tiny tactical nukes against your opponents, which produce huge explosions that you really don't want to stand too close to.

So, yeah: primitive bows and arrows versus shoulder-mounted atomic frigging catapults. We'd say Fallout 3 is the clear winner here.
So next time, bethesda will put antimatter bombs into TESV to make it even better than FO3. A game with bigger explosions wins always.

I wonder how the new fans of TES will react: "Antimutter bombs are teh bestests!!1!"
Let's do the Oblivion review check.

Videogaming has never seen such a meticulously detailed digital landscape, let alone one so beautifully realized. Mountainous, tree-dotted vistas implore you to spin around and take it all in. Between the nine architecturally and culturally diverse cities and the equally varied outdoor locales and dungeons, the in-game world of Cyrodiil feels real.

When Oblivion was being developed for the then-unfinished Xbox 360 and PS3, its designers didn't really have a firm handle on either system's capabilities or limitations. So while Oblivion was a staggering achievement, it also came with a host of minor problems, and now looks a little dated just two years after release.

What's more, one of Oblivion's most irritating features - the interstitial loads that would briefly freeze the game when you were just walking through the countryside - are a thing of the past

No mention of Oblivion's load times or the "host of minor problems" in the review, infact there isn't a single criticism in the whole review. Not one. But then again they are game journalists aren't they.

Plus, this doesn't even touch on the enjoyable mini-games, including lock-picking, stealth action and persuasion. They don't feel like filler.

For would-be thieves crawling through Oblivion's cities, lockpicking quickly became second nature. This was mainly because all you needed to do was bounce a series of tumblers until you heard a tell-tale sound, which told you when each one was ready to click into place. With Fallout 3, you won't have it so easy. No, this is a modern wasteland, filled with modern locks, and daintily bouncing cylinders up and down like a shrieking ballerina just isn't going to cut it anymore.
Still, though - at least now there's challenge to it.
Yeah, dialogue trees aren't a revolutionary way to converse with people in games, but they at least beat the hell out of just clicking on a list of conversation topics - or worse, manipulating a big wheel that forces you to joke with, boast to, coerce and flatter someone all in one brief "conversation."

You'll find countless side jobs and quests; each of the four major side-stories - one for each main workers' guild - takes longer to play through than most entire games these days.

If nothing else, it's nice to be able to actually choose how you respond to another character, instead of just following a rote series of sterile questions.

In Oblivion, your moral "choices" largely amounted to "do this task and get a reward" or "ignore this task and get nothing." While you could wander off and follow completely different plotlines for as long as you wanted, ultimately you didn't have any real effect on the game's plot - you just chose how you wanted to follow it. Fallout 3, meanwhile, will enable you to approach major events in different ways, and the choices you make will determine how they play out.

Nice of you to mention that Oblivion's quests are linear and boring and the dialogue is bad two and a half years after posting your review.

Interestingly, Oblivion's bestiary levels up with you, further adding to the freedom as there are no "high-level" dungeons that are off-limits until you've played for 40 hours.

I can't roll my eyes hard enough.

It serves notice to the rest of the role-playing world, unabashedly boasting, "Can you top this?"

Judging from your other article it looked like it was fairly easy.