GameSpot, while doing their usual gossip control, got a hold of someone who might be an employee, or not, and who says the company he might or might not work for is not going belly-up, right now.<blockquote>[UPDATE] Early Wednesday, the voicemail system at Titus' American offices ceased to function. A follow-up call to Interplay's offices got an actual person on the line for the first time in over a month. When asked if Interplay was going out of business, the person said, "No, that's not true," but refused to elaborate. When asked if she was an employee of Interplay, the person said, "I'd rather not say," and promptly transferred the call to Herve Caen's personal mailbox. Caen had not responded to the voicemail as of press time, and several subsequent calls to Interplay's main line were met with a busy signal. As of noon Wednesday, the line was still busy. </blockquote>Link: shutdown rumors about Interplay on GameSpot