Gamespy is kind of weird

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
After putting Fallout 3 in their top anticipated games 2007, Gamespy makes this rather strange remark on Allen Rausch's top 5:<blockquote>I need to this to be good, not just because I've wanted this for years, but because it'll make the "No Mutants Allowed" crowd heads explode. Anything that ticks off Fallout fans makes me happy.</blockquote>But if it's good, our heads won't explode. Can't have both, Mr. Rausch.

Link: Allen Rausch toplist on Gamespy
he probably recognises that "good" by his standards is "world consumingly evil" by ours.
They're just a bunch of assholes xD Lol, how I love how people talk about NMA, but, in the deepest of their minds, they know who's right (well, most of them know, some are just too stupid).
Exploding heads and guts airborne,
That is the horror show to come.
Embrace your mom and pull the thorn,
Because Fallout 3 in hell was done.

Exploding heads and limbs abroad
Despair prolonged by Beth's new turd
"The end is nigh" a voice was heared
Before was gutted in cold blood.

Exploding heads and splattered brains
That is the future that awaits
Destine will kill you, spill your entrails
The cards are dealt, no more debates.
So that means that if they give a good review to the game we can say it's meaningless, since they only did it to annoy us? Good way to discredit yourself even more Allen :) , you make it too easy.

Us against the world, I like that, very Falloutish

Kharn said:
After putting Fallout 3 in their top anticipated games 2007, Gamespy makes this rather strange remark on Allen Kausch's top 5:<blockquote>I need to this to be good, not just because I've wanted this for years, but because it'll make the "No Mutants Allowed" crowd heads explode. Anything that ticks off Fallout fans makes me happy.</blockquote>But if it's good, our heads won't explode. Can't have both, Mr. Kausch.

Link: Allen Kausch toplist on Gamespy

For accuracy's sake, I should point out that it's actually Allen Rausch. Do Gamespy's graphic artists suck? Why yes kids, I get the feeling they do!

On a related note, guess who wrote Gamespy's <s>propaganda piece</s> review of Oblivion. Some selected readings:

Allen [i said:
"coming at you live from Bizarro World"[/i] Rausch]
Ever since 1996, [Bethesda] has pursued a singular vision of what it feels an RPG should be


Oblivion is a brilliant game, a bit streamlined and easier to get into, but even deeper and richer than Morrowind.


the player can grow and change and truly have an impact on the world.


it's hard for me to resist recommending Oblivion to any RPG fan. Assuming one has a system with the muscle to run the game and the player is willing to accept some technical glitches, there simply isn't a better RPG experience available.

Oh, Allen! You so "thinky"!
Some might underestimate the power of glittering gems.
Since he says "Anything that ticks off Fallout fans makes me happy", can we safely assume that he is not a fan of the Fallout games? His assertion that he has wanted a Fallout 3 game for years would seem to indicate that he actually is a fan of the game though - so perhaps we should assume he is some kind of self-loathing masochist, who both wants the game to be good, since he is a fan, but also wants the game to be bad, since that would satisfy his desire to tick fans like himself off? Or perhaps we should just assume that he is a terrible writer, who has not put a great deal of time or energy into organizing his thoughts and lacks the ability to clearly express himself in written language?
So, did we teepee his house while I was inactive? I don't get it. Who the fuck is Allen Rausch to feel vindicated by the NMA being angry? He doesn't seem smart enough to have been on the POS team.
Who the fuck is Allen Rausch to feel vindicated by the NMA being angry?

A victim of Roshambo? A complete retard? Both? A little puppy needing attention?
Hell, this guy could be a thousand things!

Also, RPG of the year!!, post more! :blowjob:
RPG of the year!! said:
For accuracy's sake, I should point out that it's actually Allen Rausch. Do Gamespy's graphic artists suck? Why yes kids, I get the feeling they do!

Cheers, I'd have never have seen that, with Gamespy's graphic artists being "thinky" enough to place a line right over the top of that R. Idiots.

what Montez said is right. Allen Raush seems to be a bit of an inherently contradictory figure. Not just because his unequal readings of Gothic 3 v Oblivion (which were unequal, even if I still don't agree with VD's reading), but take, for instance, this, from his Bio:

Favorite Genres: Strategy, RPG, anything "thinky"

Favorite Games: Sid Meier's Civilization series, Thief series, System Shock 2, Pharaoh, Baldur's Gate series, M.U.L.E., Archon, Star Raiders, Every game Infocom ever produced.

He really loves "thinky" games...where the hell are the classic cRPGs, then? Both old generation and Fallout-generation "thinky" cRPGs are missing from his list, if you discount BG.
It realy is quite amazzing that right through out the net NMA is known as a bunch of ball busting hard ass mean nasty radical fans.

I've been on forums for completely different games and someone mentions nma and then other people start commenting how mean we are? Sure the guys in the order can be a little bit gay sometimes ;) Maybe Rosh could be a little bit hard sometimes, I remeber getting a warning for double posting when I first joined up, I learnt how to use the edit button and never had any problems. I think maybe other people who dont come to nma are just a little slow. If it takes you a half dozzen warnings by a mod or an admin not to do something then maybe you deserve them to kick you a little bit.
You'll do just fine here if you use your head before posting. After all NMA is a "thinky" forum, apparently too "thinky" for Mr. Rausch's taste