Gary Gygax is dead

At least he died at a lucky age. I shall not mourn his passing though because he lived a full life.
I wonder how his wife feels.

Thank god he's finally dead? lol
Can I flame him? Please....
I stumbled across an artical before talking about D&D and how people used to say it was bad and made people crazy and violent and couldnt tell the difference between reality etc... It drew a link to the current trend of blaming violent video games for crime and school shootings etc... I had forgot all about the stigma of playing D&D when I was a kid, how people were worried about any kid how played this game...
welsh said:
Dopemine Cleric said:
I wonder how his wife feels.

Thank god he's finally dead? lol


Thou shalt not troll.

oh cmon that is NOT even trolling.
wtf welsh.
dont use the word so loosely. tastelessness != trolling.
trolling = intentionally baiting forum members into nasty reactions.

On the topic: Gary Gygax is a personal hero of mine, may his death be a cover up for the discovery of a proper phyalctery :(
welsh said:
You're right. There was even a movie about this were a bunch of D&D players (the game had a different name) lose their sense of reality.

"Mazes and Monsters". Tom Hanks LOL.

xdarkyrex, religious feelings aside, your signature image is 55% above the legal height limit, please adjust.
There was also a game called Tunnels and Trolls, it had some nice rules.

There all those "supposed" suicides from people playing D&D and there character go killed so life just wasnt worth living. I think that there was probably something else wrong in there lives besides losing a character.
I have played several role-playing games including D&D. Honestly, I am probably more grateful to him for the actual concept and all of the ideas, games, creations, etc. that it spawned than I am for the actual game.

In a lot of ways the success of PnP RPGs has been hampered by the needless complexity of the rules - whereas in computer RPGs all the complexity can just add to the sense of realism.
Gary Gygax said:
The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules.
In a lot of ways the complexity of the system (which allowed for updates and thus more revenue) was part of what relagated PnP RPGs to more of a nerd stigma than even computer RPGs. Not to mention how annoying a know-it-all can be when they know all the rules in a 10 volume rule-book. Seriously, during the late 1970's D&D was cool - if you don't believe me then look what the cool older kids were playing in the pizza scene at the beginning of E.T.

Truth be told I have never found a consistant, good RPG group to play with - usually it has been just a casual game here or there and campaigns are forgotten, or the campaigns is in such an insanely complex universe that the GM cannot get any kind of dramatic story flow going. I guess the reality behind D&D is that the games are only as good as the story-telling / refereeing capabilities of the GM.

Anyway not to dis Gary Gygax - I just wish that PnP RPGs had progressed to the point where anyone could jump in and play a satisfying round for 2 hours and they were as popular as Monopoly.
ZERO CHARISMA! yeah, I remember et... and the video game.

My brother is a great game master... with the exception that he lives 500 miles to the south... and has two little boys that insist on playing.

Though it can be interesting when my nephew shoots the guy I just knocked out and tied up. hehehehe

Hell why don't we all share our stories in memory of the man!
I remember when my uncle taught me about D&D when I visited some of my relatives at a reunion. My grandma got mad because he was teaching me this "Mindwashing" game that some dumbfuck killed himself over. Now all the attention is on MMO's and grandmas and dumb politicians have something else to whine about.
I do agree with some of you though. No one ever plays "hardcore" where I live. They all want to go to the bar and get character of course,and don't pay attention to the campaign.
The best way to play D&D is to get drunk with your friends and watch the insanity that follows.

Once, for some reason, our ragtag group of rogues decided to decimate an entire town, the murder and pillaging only ended when I stabbed my best friend in the back when was trying to roll a strength test to attempt to overpower a woman and plunder her virtue...

It was then I wondered if that was what Vietnam was like (without the dice and stat sheets).
That comment I made was a really dry joke. I love the guy and I'm sure his wife does as well.