Gearing up for a Deus Ex replay

Dario ff

Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
It's been a time since I last replayed Deus Ex. I did play most of those content mods, including The Nameless Mod. But now I'd like to give DX's campaign another playthrough.

Question is, what mods should I use to enchance it? I'm not really looking for anything gameplay specific, I'd be more interested in adding as much eye-candy as possible. What mods should I use, and are they compatible?

My guess is downloading and installing HDTP + the high definition texture package(which is quite big!), but is there any precautions or something else I should look for?

BTW, Deus Ex installation is taking a very long time. :?
The Shifter Mod is pretty good.
  • "Replacable" Augmentations
  • New/Better Augmentations
  • Alt-Fire
  • Unique Weapons
  • Random NPC Inventory
  • Additional Skill System
  • Deadlier NPCs
Makes Deus Ex a bit more fresh for the second (and onwards) playthroughs.
Bio Mod. Works with shifter.

BioMod is an extension of Y|yukichigai's excellent Shifter mod for Deus Ex. While I still think Shifter is a definite improvement over the original game, I sometimes felt while playing it that it was too conservative for my tastes. Eventually I decided to make my own mod which would contain some radical changes that might give some people pause, but would hopefully breathe new life into the game for everyone else.

As the name suggests, BioMod is primarily concerned with Deus Ex's augmentations, with the aim of making them more balanced, but also a lot easier to manage. Most augs are now automated, using energy only when they're actually doing their jobs. Some augs that were less useful or that would be a pain to manage have been made free or given extra abilities, while those that I thought were un-salvageable have been replaced with entirely new augs.

In addition to the augmentation system, BioMod also makes a few general gameplay changes, such as the addition of pickpocketing, an autosave feature, and a Thief style ledge grabbing system.
The "Bio Mod" looks pretty damn amazing. I like the new tracking aug and climbing ledges. What I don't like is the hand holding health regeneration system borrowed from modern console shooters. Anyway, bookmarked for future playthroughs when it's out of beta.
))<>(( said:
In addition to the augmentation system, BioMod also makes a few general gameplay changes, such as the addition of pickpocketing, an autosave feature, and a Thief style ledge grabbing system.
This one sounds pretty good. I might use this next time I'm playing Deus Ex.