Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

SuAside said:Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:that important vault tech the weapons dealer in reno wants to sell ya for like 3000 caps or somthin(im sure where but i remember finding one of these somewhere else, maybe the sierra army depot? not sure).
it's in the Vault City vault...
as i said in my post...
Heres your original post...
SuAside said:the first fake V13 is the real fake one with nothing but a little sign there i believe to inform you that youve been fooled
the second fake 'real' vault is the teleport thingy that throws you back to the V13 before FO1 and you break the waterchip
(and yeah the real drunken guy at ncr that sends you to retrieve something knows the real location)
Hmm i dont believe i see "vault city vault" mentioned in there at all....